How to disable the "Bed Thermal Runaway" feature
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How to disable the "Bed Thermal Runaway" feature  

Active Member
How to disable the "Bed Thermal Runaway" feature

Everything's in the title!!!
I'm really fed up wasting parts because the printer stops when it wants.
The prints are done in ABS (so no fan) on the edge of the bed (to prevent affecting the sole temperature sensor in the center (a second sensor might have been a good option for avoiding this painful behavior...)) the printer is in a home made cardboard enclosure to make sure the air temperature around will no fluctuate too much... But this is not sufficient 😥

Simply an option in Slic3r to set the temperature threshold we want and I would be more than happy!

Opublikowany : 09/05/2018 9:07 am
Reputable Member
Re: How to disable the "Bed Thermal Runaway" feature

The most common cause of bed thermal runaway errors is a small break in the thermistor cable which causes a loss of signal under a specific condition (position/temperature). Disconnect from the Rambo board and check the thermistor cable with a multimeter while moving it around gently. If the reading fluctuates/disappears you have this problem. Resolve that by repairing the cable or replacing the whole thermistor assembly.

I have successfully printed ABS with no enclosure at all in an airconditioned room - just made sure the printer was not directly in the airflow from the split unit.

Tagaytay City, Philippines
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Opublikowany : 09/05/2018 4:09 pm
Honorable Member
Re: How to disable the "Bed Thermal Runaway" feature

you have to recompile the firmware with Thermal runaway shutoff.
another option would be going back to an old firmware before thermal runaway was put into the code.
you might have to roll back slic3r to make that work.

people have also cutout a piece of cork and placed it underneath the bed on top of the metal frame to act as insulation to retain heat.

assuming no mechanical issues with wires Large pieces of ABS are a real issue because they act like a heatsink and Suck heat away from the bed faster then it can be reheated. some people have modified the rambo to push more voltage to the bed and the other end is lowering the bed temp to take load off it and using more ABS Juice to hold the part flat.

going to an early firmware is sometimes the best option complete the print and then go back to the newest.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Opublikowany : 09/05/2018 5:17 pm
Noble Member
Re: How to disable the "Bed Thermal Runaway" feature

This option is for safety reason. Find the root cause of the thermal runaway. I'm printing ABS all the time and had this issue twice. First time the cable broke and second time the connector. In both cases I was really happy about this feature. There is no reason to turn it off!

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Opublikowany : 10/05/2018 11:32 pm