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Heatbed temperature  

Active Member
Heatbed temperature

I have problems with the heatbed.

At the end of a printing the temperature of the heabed does not cut. The plate is also warm. It is necessary that I lower its temperature to zero manually.

In the GCode (slice3 Prusa MK2) there is the line:

end_gcode = G4; Wait \ nM104 S0; Turn off temperature \ nM140 S0; Turn off heatbed \ nM107;

I do not understand why the temperature of the heatbed does not go down?
The temperature of the nozzle falling normally to 0.


Opublikowany : 20/02/2017 6:05 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Heatbed temperature

➡ my slic3r installation has this as end-code:G4 ; wait
M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
M140 S0 ; turn off heatbed
M107 ; turn off fan
G1 X0 Y200; home X axis
M84 ; disable motors

and everything works as expected.

how do you print ? do you copy your gcode file at an sd-card, put the card into the lcd-console and print directly ? or do you use the usb connection with octoprint or your pc to print ?

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Opublikowany : 20/02/2017 6:12 pm