Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?
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Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?  

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Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed on their MK2S to a MK52 heated bed? I know that you would need to upgrade the firmware to the MK2.5 firmware, but I'm not sure that any other changes would need to be made. There used to be an answer on Prusa's manuals site, but it looks like it was taken down at some point.

Postato : 15/02/2019 5:40 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

As an update to this conversation, I had a chat with Prusa tech support and got two pieces of information:
- The MK52 12V heatbed does not include the standoffs that come with the MK3/MK2.5 upgrade kits. These can be purchased separately in the parts store for the MK3.
- It also does not come with the screws that anchor the bed to the carriage. The size of the screws is M3x14 counter-sunk bolts. I found some on Amazon (in the USA), but they will take a while to get here from China.

I also purchased the MK3 carriage since it gives 9 support points instead of 5. I measured the distances between the X axis rails on the MK2S and the MK3 to verify that they are the same, so I think that it will fit with no problem. I will update as I work through this exercise.

Postato : 22/02/2019 12:35 am
Estimable Member
Re: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

Watching with interest.

Postato : 23/02/2019 6:25 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

mk52 12volt heat bed has 8 screw fixing, matching the mk2 y platform, and some of the XYZ calibration pads are in different places to the mk42 headbed

the mk52 24 volt heatbed has 9 screw fixing, matching the mk3 y platform

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 23/02/2019 8:12 pm
New Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?


I'm just going to upgrade the MK2S hotbed itself without the extruder upgrade, has anyone done it and how does it work? I bought a 2S upgrade to 2.5S and I received information from the PRUSA support department that this is possible, but I still do not know about a few things:
- I do not know if I need to change the PINDA probe to a new one? whether the old one from PINDA from mk2S will work?
- What about the MK52 hotbed mount? and distance for bolts?
- Do I have to upgrade FW to 3.7.2 if I have to stay on FW 3.2.3

For sure, after installing the new MK52, 12V I will have to do XYX calibrations and certain calibrations of PINDA + first layer calib. it is obvious.

Thank you for all the information from your experience

Postato : 30/07/2019 5:39 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

my mk2 runs on 3.2.3 firmware,  has 12volt mk52 heatbed, standard 12v extruder fan and 12volt  part fan, 3wire original Pinda

XYZ calibration wont work because the pinda sense pads are in different places. just do Z czlibration and Live Z.

make sure the build plate is clean, for PLA prints.


Good luck, Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 30/07/2019 11:20 am
New Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

Hi, Thanks for a quick response.

This is great news from you that this upgrade works. I will try to upgrade my mk2S only with the Mk 52 hotbed. Have not you noticed any deterioration of printouts, after changing the hotbed? or signs of Bed Thermal Runaway? ect.?


BTW. Did you mean to say "make sure the build plate is clean, for PLA prints."  is it about the new MK52 hotbed plate or PEI sheet? 

Postato : 31/07/2019 1:26 am
Eminent Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

I have just rebuild my dolly to a original MK3 frame.

The it uses a pinda V1, the old extruder with 1mm aligned body for the bigger gear.

A self modeled bottom part to mount the MK3s fan shroud.

Motorholder with Endstops.

the heatbed is a Blurolls one because Prusa Research doesn't want to sell me one.

the powder coated pei sheet is actually a triangle labs one because Prusa Research doesn't want to sell me one.

But now i will get a original one from Prusa research from australia which was shipped from europe to australia and then back to europe because Prusa Research doesn't want to sell me one.

As far as i understood the firmware source you can run all printer with the newest firmware you just need the right board definition and the right combination of turned on/off features.

I am currently using tmc2100 and lvXXXX for the extruder but will later switch to TMC2209 when i figured out how to put it into the prusa source code


Postato : 06/09/2019 10:26 pm
New Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?
Posted by: @joantabb

my mk2 runs on 3.2.3 firmware,  has 12volt mk52 heatbed, standard 12v extruder fan and 12volt  part fan, 3wire original Pinda

XYZ calibration wont work because the pinda sense pads are in different places. just do Z czlibration and Live Z.

make sure the build plate is clean, for PLA prints.


Good luck, Joan

Am I understanding this correctly? After changing (only) the bed from MK42 to the MK52 magnetic bed on Prusa mk2s, there is no more possibility to do the XYZ calibration? What should be the calibration procedure then?

Postato : 14/02/2020 8:57 am
New Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

I upgraded my Prusa i3 Mk2 with the Mk52 Heatbed too. I did not change anything and was printing fine, until another problem made me do a factory reset. Now I can't XY Calibrate, it seems to be searching for the calibration points in the wrong places:

How can I fix this?

Questo post è stato modificato 5 years fa da tri.sch
Postato : 07/09/2020 11:33 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

mk52 heatbed will not do XYZ calibration with mk2 firmware, because the test points are in different locations. 
just do Z calibration!


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 07/09/2020 8:43 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

normally it should have worked with 3.9.0 but prusa research did some Bull**** so it now doesn't work for me anymore 🙁

everytime you can use alternative boards prusa research does something that it breaks ...

first the timer stuff for the heated bed 

now something other 


Ok it prints but without XYZ calibration


Postato : 07/09/2020 11:17 pm
New Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

Any updates on this issue? 

Since the Mk42 heatbed gave up on me and original parts are expensive to afford, I bought a Mk52 bed with a good price/quality from Aliexpress some time ago. But since then I had problems with setting up things and eventually took a break from trying.

But it has been 2 years now since I left it and I'm finally trying to get back to it. Currently only parts I have that differ from Mk2S are Mk52 Heatbed and PINDA v2 probe. Since extruder is the old Mk2S one, I changed the configurations for the extruder settings on Mk2.5 Config file.

Currently have the same problem of points being searched on a different area when I'm doing XYZ calibration.

Is there any way to modify the bed or bed point placements on firmware without interfering much? Otherwise I'll have to try fiddling around with stuff but I assume that's not a good idea. Any help is much appreciated.

Postato : 02/03/2021 11:36 am
Active Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?


I had the same problem. Solved it with the latest firmware (3.9.3) with some changes (you need to compile the firmware though)

1. Use the Mk2 config (1_75-MK2-..... definitions header)

2. change

#define MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS 0.2

3. add

#define HEATBED_V2
#define NEW_XYZCAL  

I also changed mesh definitions to those of mk2.5, but not sure if it is necessary. 

#define MESH_MIN_X 24
#define MESH_MAX_X 228
#define MESH_MIN_Y 6
#define MESH_MAX_Y 210

Postato : 19/04/2021 5:50 pm
danielkrah hanno apprezzato
New Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?


Thank you for your reply. I tried your solution but it still fails on the first calibration point 🙁 

My problem seems to be Y-Axis, I'm not sure why but calibration points don't match where PINDA is scanning. 

I attached the output from Repetier. Any idea what might cause this?

Postato : 19/04/2021 8:29 pm
Active Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?


This doesn't look too bad. You can see the outline of the calibration point at the top of the raw output. Also I see some noise, basically it should be mostly zeroes outside of the calibration points. Seems like the printer starts looking too early if it's the first point near (0,0)

You can experiment with the offset point and set it to something like -2.0f and see what happens. I also have a clone bed from China and had an issue with the third calibration point which was not detectable (I taped an 8mm thin washer there and it worked)  

#define SHEET_PRINT_ZERO_REF_Y 0.f // set to something negative and see what happens

Postato : 20/04/2021 7:00 am
Active Member
RE: Has anybody upgraded just the heated bed to MK52?

I committed the firmware code and hex image to my forked github repo (branched from 3.10.0 RC1) firmware. 


I also double checked and I have not touched the bed definitions in the end. One can use stock MK2 values.  

#define MESH_MIN_X 24
#define MESH_MAX_X 228
#define MESH_MIN_Y 6
#define MESH_MAX_Y 210

Postato : 20/04/2021 7:28 am
Active Member
Firmware upgrade to a MK2 printer


I am fairly new to Prusa so bear with me. I would like to ask, would the 3.9.3 firmware update work on a Prusa I3 MK2 printer as well? I have been having trouble finding the upgrade online. 


Postato : 06/08/2021 5:07 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
RE: No FW update for MK2 anymore

No, it will not work for couple of reasons. FW v 3.2.3 dated 6th June 2019 is the latest firmwere for MK2/S.

Newly realeased firmware updates are for MK2.5 (limited functions) and newer.


Postato : 07/08/2021 10:08 am
Eminent Member

I am using 3.9.0 on my MK2. I switched to 24v and now use a mk52.

But i have to mod the firmware now again.

Postato : 07/08/2021 7:18 pm
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