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Frayed Wiring - Check  

New Member
Frayed Wiring - Check

I had noticed that the carriage cable bundle was starting to droop, so I inspected and the plastic support tube had dislodged and everything was kind of settling in. I inspected the RAMBo end and it had also come loose from that end.

I took off the wire wrap and noticed something very frightening at the top of the RAMBo box opening. Even though the wires were held in place with a zap strap, and everything was proper, that tiny 1mm twist in that end of the wiring as the X axis moves had caused the edge of the hole to actually saw through the insulation on three of my wires over the last 700 meters of printing.

Check your wiring, folks.

Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2018 3:48 am
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Frayed Wiring - Check

Use some fabric tape on this spots bevor adding the plastic-support.


Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2018 9:11 am