Filament jammed looking for advice before disassembling
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Filament jammed looking for advice before disassembling  

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Filament jammed looking for advice before disassembling

I was doing test prints and uping Z (more negative) to try to get better "smoosh". About half through the print failed and filament stopped feeding. I suspect I went too negative in Z and the nozzle got clogged and is not backed up. Read through forums and did tests mentioned in other threads. Cold pulls did not work (no movement of filament out the top). I also tried heating all the way up to 250 degrees (spec is ~220) to see if I could get any motion one way or the other, with no luck. While heated I took a fine needle and inserted it up into the nozzle. It went part way up (through soft filament material) but then hit something solid. I suspect the extruder (maybe, not sure of all the terms) is blocked up and disassembly is required at this point to unblock it.

Looking for advice on how to proceed "Yes on disassembly, and best way/guide on how" or "no, try this first".

Thanks for any help/advice.

- TMcG

Postato : 03/09/2018 7:20 am