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Filament feeding  

Active Member
Filament feeding

I have a strange problem in which, after a few layers, material is no longer coming out of the nozzle, and I hear the feeder wheel making a clicking noise, but the filament is just being moved back and forth?

Any ideas on what to try? I have tried heating up the nozzle to 290 and using the acupuncture needle to try to clean up anything that may be causing a problem. What I find odd is that the first few layers work fine, then the feeder wheel starts clicking, and nothing more comes out.

Napsal : 06/05/2018 2:37 am
Honorable Member
Re: Filament feeding

How long has your printer been operating and have you tightened anything up lately? There are two long screws that hold the extruder idler door shut. I've read and have been told that these will cause problems like this.
See the assembly instructions Step 15 Securing the Extruder idler under the 5. E-axis assembly directions.

They should be tightened to only engage the springs and not too much more. This is one possibility and a clogged nozzle could be also the blame.

These are my methods and work for me, I'm no expert so check with other opinions.
Twice now I've cleared a clogged nozzle by using about 6 inches of cleaning filament in the following manner.
1. remove the two spring loaded bolts discussed above
2. Loosen and open the extruder idler door so that the gears don't engage the filament.
3. preheat the extruder to the ABS or 255 degrees Celsius.
4. Force feed the cleaning filament by hand until you see the clear filament coming out of the nozzle.
5. Close the extruder idler door, tighten "loosely the bolts" and re-install the idler-plug

Now load fresh filament and test it out.

Napsal : 06/05/2018 3:58 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Filament feeding

Thanks for the suggestions. I don't have any cleaning filament, though I did try what you suggested with just PLA, and I *thought* I made things better - I got two prints out of it that finished successfully, though not in succession - so I'm still trying to puzzle this out.

Certainly, the nozzle is not completely clogged, although one thing I do notice when loading filament, is that it seems to take a bit longer before filament actually comes out, and when it does, it seems to come out in spurts, and sometimes thinner, too?

And where is a good source for cleaning filament? I did go to a local shop and he suggested trying nylon filament as a cleaning filament.

Napsal : 16/05/2018 5:03 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Filament feeding

BTW, I ended up replacing the nozzle, and I'm back to printing again.

Napsal : 01/10/2018 5:05 am
Noble Member
Re: Filament feeding

how old was the nozzle?

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Napsal : 01/10/2018 5:17 am