Cold Pull without Disabling autoload
My i3 MK2 doesn't have a disable autoload option. How can I do a cold pull without disabling autoload?
I'm also getting streaky extrusion. Nothing seems to be clogged or jammed. But sometimes when I start a print, there is a clicking sound. I checked to see if the extruder gear/motor was clogged or misaligned and it seems fine. Any suggestions?
RE: Cold Pull without Disabling autoload
Disengage the tension on the Bondtech Gears. It will work.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Cold Pull without Disabling autoload
On my very new i3 MK3 S, i had today a similar problem. Using automatic filament loading, the filament was pulled in, suddenly there was a clicking and the filament stopped to move. Now, even after disengage the tension on the Bondtech Gears I cannot pull out the filament anymore. I heated up the nozzle again, but, without ruining the whole extruder, I cannot do anything more. Do you have an idea, what i can try more