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Calibration Failing  

New Member
Calibration Failing

After a year and a half of printing, my printer (MK2S) started failing the calibration prior to printing. I noticed that the PINDA sensor had slipped upwards, but since then I have had difficulty getting it adjusted back into place. Now I cannot complete XYZ calibration, even with the sensor lowered even to the nozzle. I have:

1. Validated that the PINDA sensor is working. (The light goes out when metal is placed near it.)
2. Lowered the sensor to be even with the nozzle. (I realize that's too low, but I'm trying to trouble shoot - not print at this point.)
3. Checked for loose parts and screws and tension on the belts.
4. Checked the XY/Z planes to ensure they are square.
5. Cleaned the build surface and the sensor.
6. Updated the firmware.

The XYZ calibration fails after three iterations and completing all four points. I can see the sensor light turning off and on at all four points.

At this point, I am out of ideas on what to try next. Thoughts?

Napsal : 13/01/2019 1:42 am
Frans Krau
Trusted Member
Re: Calibration Failing

To understand your problem, I think you mean that the mesh bed leveling fails? That's the process (9 points) before starting to print.
If it's about the failure of the mesh bed leveling at what point of the mesh bed leveling does your printer stops? and what message do you see on the lcd?
And if this is the case it could be that the wire of the pinda is starting to break.

I have had that twice. The wires are subject of repeatedly stress 🙂 I replaced them with silicon wires.

To check the wires, I placed a metal subject under the pinda when the printhead was on it's steady home position, so the led light went out. Then wiggle the wires and see if the wiggling turns of and on the led. If so, your wire is broken and has to be fixed.

Please let me know what the results are, so we can help you further.


Frans Krau
Europe, Holland, Apeldoorn

Napsal : 26/01/2019 9:24 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibration Failing

I did actually mean that I was trying to calibrate XYZ, not the check at the beginning of the print. The error message I get is "XYZ calibration failed. Please consult the manual."

When I check the PINDA sensor, wiggling the wires has no effect on status.

Since my initial checks, I found this document: and went through the steps there as well, some of which I had already done.

At this point I have an error, a message telling me that I have an error and no idea what to do next. Any ideas would be welcome.

Napsal : 17/02/2019 7:04 pm