Starting Over
I received a MK2 at the end of January 2017. For reasons I'm not going into, it was put in a back room and ignored about the time bed leveling was being tweaked. So, here we are a couple years later. How does one start over now that there are a lot of "lessons learned" for this printer? I assume the 1st step would be to progress through the, "Most important Links" sticky. Are there highly recommended upgrades/printer part prints/software that I should get/make right away?
Thanks in advance.
RE: Starting Over
the Mk2 printer was a solid printer, and many still use it.
at the end of 2017 I suspect the Mk2S was on the horizon, if not the standard offering, is yours definitely the Mk2 not the Mk2S
the primary differences were different smooth rods and linear bearings plus ubolts instead of zip ties to retain the Y axis Linear bearings (I didn't do this upgrade!)
One of the most significant upgrades was the Mk2.5 with removeable print surface.
I find this to be a huge improvement on the Mk2 Heatbed... and it also introduces the filament sensor to the Mk2 range.
the Mk2 doesn't absolutely need upgrading, but the mk2.5 upgrade does make for easier ownership.
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Starting Over
+1 for the MK2.5 upgrade. It's a really good price for what you get. Upgraded PINDA and removable print bed made the print experience a lot better. Don't want to have a printer anymore without it.
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RE: Starting Over
Thanks for the replies. I do have the regular MK2 with zip-tied linear bearings. I've ordered the upgrade to MK2.5 and look forward to seeing where this leads 😉
RE: Starting Over
Well, this has now led to what I call a MK2.75 Upgrade. The extruder R4 upgrade has gone well and most of the other printed parts are being replaced with MK3 components. Plus, since the starting point was a MK2, the bearings and rods had to be replaced. Also, I've purchased a frame mod kit which basically updates the frame to MK3, making the Y axis 3030 extrusions. However, it will be a couple days before I drill out the Z-axis frame to work with the new extrusions. The only metric drill bits I own are for wood.
RE: Starting Over
Nice work, I too received the mk2 January 2017. It's been working very well ever since, Stat. screen shows 80 days running time.
I'm thinking about some upgrades, plus, I Never have done any firmware updates! can't even find the usb cable.
My bearings are held on with the zip ties, and I can see wear on the rods. At least the bearing race has made a mark on top of the rods.
The Print bed still looks good, even after I printed some PLU flex type material. Anyway, some fresh parts and a firmware update might be nice.
Is your printer still 12v ?
Oh, after posting this, I see the date of your post. How did your upgrade go? Are you using the printer