Simplify3D (S3D) settings for the Original Prusa i3 printers
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Simplify3D (S3D) settings for the Original Prusa i3 printers  

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Bill W
Trusted Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

For example one of the files is here: . The model seems file in the viewer. It feels like to be a problem with the slicer.
I downloaded that and took a look in S3D and it looks fine. It does have some non-manifold and self-intersection problems but nothing major that I can tell. I ran it through MeshMixer Inspector and three non-manifold errors couldn't be fixed but they look to be minor. S3D displays and slices it fine. I suggest you try running MeshMixer and see how that works for you. Here's the STL that I created through MeshMixer:

Bill W
"Even old dogs can learn new tricks!"

Respondido : 22/09/2016 8:16 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

For example one of the files is here: . The model seems file in the viewer. It feels like to be a problem with the slicer.
I downloaded that and took a look in S3D and it looks fine. It does have some non-manifold and self-intersection problems but nothing major that I can tell. I ran it through MeshMixer Inspector and three non-manifold errors couldn't be fixed but they look to be minor. S3D displays and slices it fine. I suggest you try running MeshMixer and see how that works for you. Here's the STL that I created through MeshMixer:

Thanks, the file looks perfect now! I used the netfabb cloud service to fix the model, it did well on two other files, but this part just broke half ways during the print. I will try your model now.

Respondido : 22/09/2016 10:38 pm
New Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

Hello to all!

I also made settings for Simplify3D! If you have problems, try my profile.

Until now i only made the settings for PLA with 0.2 layer height. But i think thats a good base to start with!

I tested it by printing the #3DBenchy. Very often... Boats, Boats, Boats, lots of Boats! Around 30 of them! But ok - now i know how the settings effects my 3D prints! 😎

I compared the prints to an reference that i made with the standard Slic3r settings. The goal was to get same results with Simplify3D.

And i had success! And the Benchy made with S3D looks even better and was printed 20% faster!

I have added a make on thingiverse. Take a look!

And because i guess you would like to see the pictures in high resolution:
The grey one was made with Slic3r, the bronze one was made with Simplify3D

And these are the G-Code files you can try print it yourself:

And finaly - my Simplify3D profile:

Ok that's it for now. Wanted to share this with you. I was following this thread since it was published. And i tried all kinds of fff-files - but they did not work for me. So i started making my own...

This is great. Curious what type of filament were you using? I assume they were the same type, but how about brand? Would be interesting to see the same comparison done but use the same filament type, brand, and color.

I'm currently building my MK2 and been using S3D with a customized Prusa variant with great success. I just couldn't resist buying a MK2 after all the great reviews & the added all axis calibration.

Respondido : 27/09/2016 8:32 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

Just curious -- Are most using the Prusa Research RC4 FFF, or have most integrated some or all of the user changes presented in this thread?

[While I use 3SD with my other printer, I did my early testing on my MK2 with the included Slic3r software. Now I'm about to set up S3D for use with my MK2.]



Respondido : 30/09/2016 7:49 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

I did my first S3D test today. I've got a small cone that takes about 6-7 minutes to print. I printed this with the default Prusa Research Slic3r configuration yesterday. Today, I printed it with the default Prusa Research S3D FFF settings. It turned out great, but took nearly 16 minutes to print! I had no idea my printer could even move so slowly. 🙂

Looking at the speed configuration, they both start at 40mm/sec, but many of the other speeds are set to 80% of the default printing speed.

Looking at the Simplify3D documentation, the default speed is used for infill, which is typically where you should be able to move the fastest. In the PR S3D config, infill is set to 80% (or 32 mm/sec). In the Slic3r config it is explicitly set to 60 mm/sec.

I think I'll re-create my S3D profile to match the speeds used in the Slic3r profile. I'll switch the default speed to be 60 mm/sec, and change the percentages accordingly to get close to what is in Slic3r.

Thoughts? I still don't quite know why my little cone was twice as slow. Is it something to do with the fact that it is so tiny?


Respondido : 01/10/2016 3:43 am
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

I did my first S3D test today. I've got a small cone that takes about 6-7 minutes to print. I printed this with the default Prusa Research Slic3r configuration yesterday. Today, I printed it with the default Prusa Research S3D FFF settings. It turned out great, but took nearly 16 minutes to print! I had no idea my printer could even move so slowly. 🙂

I took my STL and re-ran it though Simplify3D and the Prusa Research version of Slic3r. I then uploaded the GCode to . The stats on the site were very similar to my actual experience.

Looking at the layer by layer stats, the GCode from Slic3r averaged 15mm/sec for every layer. The GCode from S3D varied between 11mm/sec down to 1.5mm/sec -- most of the cone was in the 4-6mm/sec range.

Anyway, the numbers are well below 80% of 40mm/sec. I'll have to look closer at the Simplify 3D options to see if there is some specific setting for small lines/circles.

I also ran a 40x40x20mm cube through, and the speed differences were more as expected = about a 25% difference.


Respondido : 01/10/2016 5:29 am
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

The difference is probably explained by the settings in the Cooling tab in Simplify3D's process settings. At the top right is Speed Overrides, where you can set the minimum cooling time per layer, and the minimum speed allowed on the quickest layers. The defaults are often at least 15sec and slowing down to as low as 20% to meet that cooling time. These numbers are probably much slower than Slic3r's settings.

Respondido : 02/10/2016 1:42 am
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

The difference is probably explained by the settings in the Cooling tab in Simplify3D's process settings. At the top right is Speed Overrides, where you can set the minimum cooling time per layer, and the minimum speed allowed on the quickest layers. The defaults are often at least 15sec and slowing down to as low as 20% to meet that cooling time. These numbers are probably much slower than Slic3r's settings.

I believe you are correct. As I did more research and tests today (including 5 20mm cubes) I determined that only the tiny cone was really, really, slow.


Respondido : 02/10/2016 2:18 am
Trusted Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

I'm finding that the 100% bridging fan override in the Prusa-supplied profile is causing a ton of trouble when printing in Colorfabb XT. Haven't found a better setting for that yet though.

Respondido : 03/10/2016 5:51 am
Active Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

I wanted to try simplify3d, so I imported the fff and everything appeared to be fine. Next I added some models, and exported the gcode. When I put the gcode on the SD card and try to load it onto my i3mk2 it tries to heat the bed, but never tries to heat the bed. Settings in simplify3d are there, just not making it to the LCD. Everything I slice with slic3r heat the hotend just fine. Any idea where to look?

Respondido : 05/10/2016 4:36 am
Active Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

My Bad, Slic3r warms both bed and hotend at the same time, I see that simplify waits for the bed before heating the hotend! Still curious why the simplify settings call for 215 degrees, while Slic3r calls for 210?

Respondido : 05/10/2016 5:42 am
Eminent Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

My Bad, Slic3r warms both bed and hotend at the same time, I see that simplify waits for the bed before heating the hotend! Still curious why the simplify settings call for 215 degrees, while Slic3r calls for 210?

In Simplify3D under the temperature tab, you can untick 'Wait for temperature to stabilise before beginning' for the heated bed, this will make it heat it the extruder straight after sending the heated bed command. However this probably won't work if the bed temperature is set for ABS as the bed heats up quite slow. PLA should be fine though.

There are gcode commands to do this properly, but I've not had much luck in getting them to work. It's something like this
M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; quick extruder temp
M140 S[bed0_temperature] T1 ; quick bed temp
M190 S[bed0_temperature] T1 ; wait bed temp
M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; wait extruder temp

But I can't get it to work the way I want.

Respondido : 05/10/2016 2:49 pm
Arthur B
New Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

i need help!

i work with simplyfy3d, in the cooling tab i have the folowing settings for the fan:
layer 1: speed: 0
layer 2: speed: 100

but the fan wont work... just if i turn it on manualy.
what to do?

Respondido : 08/10/2016 4:25 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

My Bad, Slic3r warms both bed and hotend at the same time, I see that simplify waits for the bed before heating the hotend! Still curious why the simplify settings call for 215 degrees, while Slic3r calls for 210?

It's just a difference in the profiles. I'm guessing one was updated without updating the other, but since there are no release notes for profiles it's hard to say.

FWIW the original firmware "preheat" settings for PLA is also 215, so I'm guessing that the Slic3r temperature is "newer". As near as I can tell almost all of the tweaking and profile development from PR goes into the Slic3r profiles. The S3D profiles are missing a lot of the material settings and aren't as refined. It would seem it's up to us. 🙂

Respondido : 08/10/2016 8:06 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

Any ideas as to how to get Simplify3D to heat both the bed and hotend simultaneously like the GCODE from Slic3r does?

the Slic3r code looks like this:
M104 S185 ; set extruder temp
M140 S55 ; set bed temp
M190 S55 ; wait for bed temp
M109 S185 ; wait for extruder temp

and S3D looks like this:
M140 S55
M190 S55
M104 S190 T0
M109 S190 T0

Is it possible to reorder these in S3D or in post-processing so that like Slic3r it sets the extruder temp, then set/wait for bed, then wait for extruder?

Respondido : 10/10/2016 5:29 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

I noticed the settings for 0.2mm print quality have first layer height at 100, but for 0.3mm quality, the first layer height is 66%. Is there a reason for this?

Also, the post processing script is:

{REPLACE "; outer perimeter\n" "; outer perimeter\nM204 S600\n"}
{REPLACE "; inner perimeter\n" "; inner perimeter\nM204 S1200\n"}
{REPLACE "; solid layer\n" "; solid layer\nM204 S1500\n"}
{REPLACE "; infill\n" "; infill\nM204 S2000\n"}

which has slightly different values that those specified above:

{REPLACE "; outer perimeter\n" "; outer perimeter\nM204 S800\n"} ; 800 vs 600
{REPLACE "; inner perimeter\n" "; inner perimeter\nM204 S800\n"} ; 800 vs 1200
{REPLACE "; solid layer\n" "; solid layer\nM204 S1000\n"} ; 1000 vs 1500
{REPLACE "; infill\n" "; infill\nM204 S2000\n"}

Is this a significant difference? Some of the values are very different.

The reason I'm asking is I'm getting much better prints out of Slic3r than S3D right now for the same model. So the S3D settings definitely seems to need work (for me anyway).

Any thoughts?


Engineer. Designer Maker. Fiercely unapologetic. Studying the art of subtle. Failing. Be Inspired. Stock MK2 - Orange because it's cool ;)Visit my channel -

Respondido : 10/10/2016 7:43 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

Is this a significant difference? Some of the values are very different.

The reason I'm asking is I'm getting much better prints out of Slic3r than S3D right now for the same model.
You have answered yourself. First values (800/800/1000/2000) are taken from Slic3r default profile. If you get better print out of Slic3r, use them.

Respondido : 10/10/2016 7:49 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

Thanks - I'll give it a shot.

Engineer. Designer Maker. Fiercely unapologetic. Studying the art of subtle. Failing. Be Inspired. Stock MK2 - Orange because it's cool ;)Visit my channel -

Respondido : 10/10/2016 7:56 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

Revising the request from above:
Has anyone had any success with configuring Simplify3D to output gcode to heat the nozzle and bed in parallel, vs. in series like Slic3r? Currently, Slic3r outputs parallel heating gcode:
1. set the nozzle temp
2.set and wait for the bed temp
3.(set and) wait for the nozzle temp

Currently, Simplify3D outputs serial heating gcode:
1. Set and wait for the bed temp
2. Set and wait for the nozzle temp

Slic3r's parallel code makesthe startup faster as at least for PLA, both arrive at operating temps nearly simultaneously.
Any thoughts?

the Slic3r code looks like this:
M104 S185 ; set extruder temp
M140 S55 ; set bed temp
M190 S55 ; wait for bed temp
M109 S185 ; wait for extruder temp

and S3D looks like this:
M140 S55
M190 S55
M104 S190 T0
M109 S190 T0

Respondido : 12/10/2016 1:14 am
Eminent Member
Re: Simplify3D print settings (August 30, 2016)

I'd like to know how to get S3D to heat up both in parallel too. I don't know crap about gcode but what happens if you take the slicer code and pop it into S3D?

I just dropped in to ask if anyone knows a way around the prints from S3D pausing. I'm often too lazy to constantly swap the SD card between the printer and my laptop so I print via USB but I have to be ready to hit "force next" or else the nozzle drips if its left to sit there idling too long.

Respondido : 12/10/2016 4:10 am
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