Nozzle started hitting bed all of a sudden (I know, I know...not this again)
Hi everyone, I'm sure this topic has been hit to hell by now but...I've been printing fine forever and all of a sudden I start a print last night and the nozzle pushes into the bed....
I scoured the forums/youtube etc...and so far I have (tested after each of the checks I list here):
Changed the height of the PINDA, up and down to most possible heights.
I have checked, the red light is on and it goes off when metal gets near the end of the probe.
I replaced the PINDA with a new one, just in case.
I tried calibrating Z - it starts moving the paper around.
I re-flashed firmware.
I did a factory reset, then re-flashed firmware.
I made sure the X axis was level each time by raising the assembly to the top each time.
I lowered the nozzle to about 0.3mm above the bed, then did a reset - to try to reset Z zero.
I raised the X assembly to the top until it read 210mm, then lowered it to the bottom and it touches the bed between 2 & 3mm so somehow I have lost ~2mm in my Z height, which it is trying to find by pushing into my bed...
I have checked by eye everything I can think about and cannot see where I might have lost this 2mm.
I know this has happened to me before but I cannot remember for the life of me how I resolved it - Yes, I should have noted it down but I think I went through so many processes back then, like now, that I was just relieved when it finally worked and moved on with life...
Any help would be much appreciated.
RE: Nozzle started hitting bed all of a sudden (I know, I know...not this again)
Hi RobM,
what is the result when you give the following command via pronterface:
G28 W ; home all without mesh bed level
does the nozzle touches the bed?
and then
G80 ; mesh bed leveling
does the nozzle touches the bed? And is the MBL ended without errors?
Frans Krau
Europe, Holland, Apeldoorn
RE: Nozzle started hitting bed all of a sudden (I know, I know...not this again)
First you must set the Pinda height...
Yes, I know you've tried but this is the only way the printer has to know its base height.
If you don't have a zip tie stack two plastic loyalty or membership cards, plain ones, not credit cards which are embossed and their thickness is unreliable.
Then do the XYZ calibration, first layer Z and so on.
Then come back and tell us how you got on.