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Issues with Nozzle Dragging - Displacing Print  

New Member
Issues with Nozzle Dragging - Displacing Print

Using PLA filament,
First layer: 215 extruder, 60 bed
Other layers: 210 extruder, 60 bed
Live Adjust Z: -0.250mm

I'm currently trying to print a model that has a round base and builds vertically upward - similar to a cylinder. The print works fine for about thirty minutes (out of 4 hours), but then the nozzle begins to drag on the surface of the print. The issue I'm having isn't with marks left by the nozzle but rather with the nozzle entirely displacing the print from its original position on the print bed. This leads to all the remaining filament to be put in random positions. I've adjusted my PINDA probe and Live Adjust Z. I'm not sure what the issue is. Any thoughts?

Opublikowany : 10/07/2018 6:45 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Issues with Nozzle Dragging - Displacing Print

Live adjust only influences the first layer.

Once the print rises off the bed, the nozzle should always be at least the layer height above the print. What layer height are you using? It sounds as though you have a real problem with insufficient contact surface at the bed. Try adding a brim of around 3mm in slic3r and see if that helps.

Tagaytay City, Philippines
Founder member of Philippines Prusa Printer Owners FB Group
Sponsor Pillars of God Academy in Bacoor

Opublikowany : 11/07/2018 10:31 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Issues with Nozzle Dragging - Displacing Print

I'm using a layer height of 0.15mm. Is that standard?

Opublikowany : 11/07/2018 6:18 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Issues with Nozzle Dragging - Displacing Print

Standard is probably 0.2mm normal, but it depends on the model you are printing where you trade off speed against detail.

It's hard to offer any advice apart from 'use a brim' without knowing how large your print is. If its only a cm or two in diameter you not only have the adhesion problem at the base but also cooling problems as you move away from the bed. In this case then it will be easier to print several copies at once but still use brim.

Do you have a photo of what you are trying to do?

Tagaytay City, Philippines
Founder member of Philippines Prusa Printer Owners FB Group
Sponsor Pillars of God Academy in Bacoor

Opublikowany : 11/07/2018 8:10 pm