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Did everyone get their orders on time?  

Stránka 7 / 42
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered 1st week of Oct, they're still saying the combined shipments of printer and multi extruder will go out in Feb.

Not expecting that optimism.

I was right. Sounds like they're going to release a post about the delay in the next week or two about it.

I'm ok, as it sounds like they'll be including bondtech gears in the kits. Swear by em'. Outstanding extruders. Spoke with chat a few hours ago.

Napsal : 26/02/2017 2:54 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered on jan 13. Got mail about package being in transit just now. So seems they are right on schedule or maybe even a bit ahead

Napsal : 27/02/2017 5:03 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Hello Robin,

It is like waiting on XMAs gifts now. I ordered on the 14Th of jan. Question: my ordernr. ends on 223091. / Do you know your ordernr..?
Interested to see how many MK2's are in quee before mine is coming....Tnx 🙂

Napsal : 27/02/2017 6:48 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

100 printers. Though order nr could be small things like filament and spareparts too i suppose

Napsal : 27/02/2017 7:26 pm
Rob Cole
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I ordered on Jan. 14th as well. Order ending in number 223074. Got my shipping tracking number today. Yay! I'm going to be checking this every hour until it arrives.

Napsal : 28/02/2017 2:25 am
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Argh! Ordered Jan 5 (221946) and still in "payment accepted" status

Napsal : 28/02/2017 2:47 am
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I've ordered my MK2 on the 15th of January and received the tracking number like 5 minutes ago.
Looks like they are a bit ahead of the shipping estimations.

Napsal : 28/02/2017 3:41 pm
Asraff Amzani
Estimable Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

ordered on dec 14th, kit + multi at once, still waiting to date, I got some multi-colour model i wanted to print with the mk2. 2 to 4 coloured model I made myself , my predictions is to have my printer around second week of march...

talking about the delays with the multi-material though.... hahah

Napsal : 28/02/2017 4:21 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

The best of februari ever......Got my tracking nr. and yep he is coming.....ordernr. ending 223091 from 14th of januari. Now drink a beer!

Napsal : 28/02/2017 5:51 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered it on 13.01 and the printer arrived 27.02 (germany).
Napsal : 03/03/2017 1:15 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I just received my shipping information for the assembled printer I ordered on December 15. Now I just have to wait however long it takes to make its way over to Atlanta.

Napsal : 03/03/2017 2:23 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Kudos to the Prusa team for getting their orders through quickly and efficiently. It's also great that they share their weekly shipping status with everyone - not many companies would bother to show that!

Thank you!

Napsal : 03/03/2017 4:36 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Oredered Jan 5th. (Black parts). Got my shipping notice yesterday. UPS predicts delivery on March 8th (USA)

Napsal : 03/03/2017 7:49 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Are black parts shipping slightly later?

Napsal : 03/03/2017 9:38 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Extremely excited :mrgreen:

Ordered on the 24th of January, considering that they're a bit ahead on the schedule, it should be shipped pretty soon :mrgreen:

Has anyone ordered it around the same date ?

Napsal : 07/03/2017 11:35 am
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Orderd it the 26! Super excited! Hope we get a shippinh late this week! 😀

Napsal : 07/03/2017 12:08 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered on January 21st, still waiting....,hope they will send it this week.

Update: i recieved shippment notificantion today 🙂

Napsal : 07/03/2017 3:24 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered 01/26/2017 🙂
Cant wait.. I'm going nuts hahaha 😀 😀 😀

Napsal : 08/03/2017 12:49 am
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered Pre-built orange on December 25th, no shipping info as of today 10 weeks later. That is about 2-3 weeks more than original estimate of 7-8 weeks. I am hoping to see some movement soon.

Napsal : 08/03/2017 5:40 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?


I really can't wait anymore 😀 😀 😀

Order nr. ending with 224475 from the 24 th January, according to some posts and their order numbers, this means overall shipments from over 140 orders per day, including weekends, to keep up with the schedule.

That's a lot.

By the way, what kind of Haribo candies do you usually get with your order ?b ❓

Is it random ? :mrgreen:

update 9th March: Holy molly ! Notification received 5 minutes ago ! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :mrgreen:

5 days sooner as expected, congrats

Napsal : 08/03/2017 10:55 pm
Stránka 7 / 42