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Did everyone get their orders on time?  

Strona 40 / 42
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Yet again been told next week!! this will put me well over 10 weeks! fuming to say the least! 👿

Finally got a reply a week ago saying they would get it shipped, got the label but it took 3 days to be collected I think in total, finally shipped on 10th and said it would be delivered today in the uk on the 13th so made sure I was in all day as there was no stated time to then not arrive and at 6pm look at the tracking to say the shipping date is amended to the 14th! I will be calling them in the morning to find out what is going on so as not to waste another day sat stuck at home waiting for the delivery! I could nearly cry the amount of time and hassle ordering this has been!

Tomorrow marks the start of the 11th week of what was told would be 7 of waiting for this dam thing all I can say is it better be bloody impressive to be worth while !!

my kit finally arrived 11weeks to the day I ordered it. Was not pleased with ups just leaving the package out side my garage without anyone even signing for it or putting a not through the post box, Some one could quite easily walked off with it! The other this is there was also no packing list and it looks like at least one thing is not in my shipment so will have to contact prusa again to find out what happened to it. Other wise the kit went together near enough all ok. not that impressed with the quality of the printed parts, I was expecting them to be printed at the highest quality but they don't appear to be however its here and it has done its first print all ok.

Cant quite decide if I will ever order thing from them again, perhaps I will give them one last chance on something small at some point but would have reservations about ever ordering a printer again unless they get it down to zero waiting time.

Opublikowany : 16/07/2017 9:33 am
Trusted Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered my orange kit on june 6, and received a shipping notice yesterday (on a Sunday!).

Opublikowany : 17/07/2017 10:03 am
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I got my email on 7/11 but shipment seems to taking good trip around the Europe. Expected to deliver tomorrow but i highly doubt it will come down tomorrow. Its at Germany currently. All started in Czech republic -> Germany -> UK -> Back to Germany

I bough mine on 05/23/2017 and I live in Kansas city US

Opublikowany : 17/07/2017 8:03 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I got my email on 7/11 but shipment seems to taking good trip around the Europe. Expected to deliver tomorrow but i highly doubt it will come down tomorrow. Its at Germany currently. All started in Czech republic -> Germany -> UK -> Back to Germany

I bough mine on 05/23/2017 and I live in Kansas city US

Very interesting.
I also got my tracking info on 7/11. Originally on the 12th I had scheduled delivery date of 17th to near big apple. When package got into Germany on the 13th, scheduled delivery date became unavailable and package was stuck in Germany for 2 full days and left Germany on the 15th. Package came into Philadelphia on early 15th (time difference), then shipped to Louisville KY yesterday and shipped back to east cost within same day. As of this morning, it is on the truck for delivery.

im not sure how UPS do their job but they kept the promised scheduled delivery date by working through the weekend but in an inefficient way (from Philadelphia to Louisville KY then back to east cost....). Strange.....

I called their customer service # and they said although I didn't have scheduled delivery date in my web tracking page , their "internal note" was showing delivery date of 17th. Why don't you give them a call? Good Luck!

Opublikowany : 17/07/2017 9:58 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

So, I got the tracking number Friday. But UPS still hasn't changed the status of it :<
UPS just says the label was created the 14:th, and that they will update when it arrives at their facilty.

Does that basically mean they haven't even picked it up from Prusa yet?

Opublikowany : 18/07/2017 1:10 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

So, I got the tracking number Friday. But UPS still hasn't changed the status of it :<
UPS just says the label was created the 14:th, and that they will update when it arrives at their facilty.

Does that basically mean they haven't even picked it up from Prusa yet?

Correct, UPS haven't picked it up from Prusa yet.

Opublikowany : 18/07/2017 1:27 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered May 26th
Shipping Label Created on July 11th.
Black and Orange Kit with extra PEI sheets and PTFE tubes

Finally after the long wait but within promised time frame of 7 weeks. Package has arrived at my front door today.

Good Luck to rest of you still waiting.

Opublikowany : 18/07/2017 1:47 am
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered orange kit on 29 May 2017 for delivery to Ohio, USA
It shipped a week or two before expected but its been sitting in Prague for several days now. Says "Scheduled delivery information is not available at this time. Please check back later."
not sure whats going on.

Prague, Czechia 07/14/2017 11:25 P.M. Export Scan
Prague, Czechia 07/13/2017 5:13 P.M. Export Scan
07/13/2017 5:13 P.M. Origin Scan
07/13/2017 4:56 P.M. Your package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.
Czechia 07/12/2017 4:20 P.M. (ET) Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Opublikowany : 18/07/2017 7:50 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Orange kit ordered: 19th of May.
Label created: 11th of July.
UPS estimated delivery: 17th of July.

So far it's on track with the initial shipping estimate given when purchasing my kit. Will have to leave it unpacked for another week though as work is too busy so far. Good luck to anyone waiting for it. I'm sure the Prusa team are working hard to reduce these times to a minimum.

Received my kit today, 1 day later due to delivery delay on UPS part (Eurotunnel Disruption). So far I like the packaging and the manuals. However I am not that impressed with the 3D printed parts on my kit. A lot of them are slightly warped and have rough defects. I am using a nail file to smooth down the pointy blobs but I was expecting higher quality on them after reading/viewing all the reviews. Well I guess we shall see it in action after assembly. Hopefully the low quality parts won't affect the functionality. At least until I print new ones.

Good luck to anyone waiting for theirs to arrive.

Opublikowany : 18/07/2017 9:52 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Got mine 10 minutes ago, exactly seven weeks from the day i did order it.
UPS stated by end of day but it came 9.30 in the morning.. but i dont complain:)

I ordered extra ABS and PEI sheets.
So happy now, time to start building 😀

Opublikowany : 19/07/2017 10:10 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

How long did it take for you guys between getting the tracking number, and that the kit was actually packed and picked up by UPS?

Apperantly Prusa send the tracking number, before the kits are even packed.

Opublikowany : 19/07/2017 4:42 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I got a notice on Sunday, it was picked up by UPS on Monday and delivered on Wednesday (EU). With some luck, it will be printing tomorrow :).

Opublikowany : 19/07/2017 11:15 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Kit, orange & black + some filaments, extra nozzles, extra PEI sheets.

Ordered Thursday 24/5
Shipped Thursday 13/7
Delivered 17/7

Built and printed first Marvin, works like charm.


Opublikowany : 19/07/2017 11:58 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

How long did it take for you guys between getting the tracking number, and that the kit was actually packed and picked up by UPS?

Apperantly Prusa send the tracking number, before the kits are even packed.

1 week for me. Got tracking on Tuesday, delivered a week after on Tuesday in the UK.

Opublikowany : 20/07/2017 1:19 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

How long did it take for you guys between getting the tracking number, and that the kit was actually packed and picked up by UPS?

Apperantly Prusa send the tracking number, before the kits are even packed.

1 week for me. Got tracking on Tuesday, delivered a week after on Tuesday in the UK.

Yeah.. I got the tracking number Friday last week, but the kit hasn't been packed yet.

Pity, I was hoping to fiddle around with the printer over the weekend.

Opublikowany : 20/07/2017 1:57 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Kit black/orange, no extra orders
Ordered June 15
Label Created July 19
Shipped July 20 (ups page, prusa order log says 21)
Expected arrival: July 24 (Austria)

So if everything is going as planned, it should arrive earlier than the expected 7 weeks

Opublikowany : 21/07/2017 1:45 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Orange kit ordered 21/5.
As of 22/7 still didn't arrive. I'm getting kinda frustrated/angry, as it seems people who ordered three weeks after me got their printer week or two ago. Support said this or next week for my order on Tuesday. Didn't arrive this week so I'm looking at something like 9 and half weeks instead of 7 weeks.

Opublikowany : 22/07/2017 3:31 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Orange kit ordered 21/5.
As of 22/7 still didn't arrive. I'm getting kinda frustrated/angry, as it seems people who ordered three weeks after me got their printer week or two ago. Support said this or next week for my order on Tuesday. Didn't arrive this week so I'm looking at something like 9 and half weeks instead of 7 weeks.

had the same problem get in contact via email rather than chat and when that doesn't work try social media, they seam very fast to give a reply then

Opublikowany : 22/07/2017 4:15 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

There is hope for faster arrival fellows! Got mine box o'plenty last thursday, a whole week ahead oh schedule ( arrived within 6 weeks, I was waiting it in 7).
Thanks Prusa, was worth the wait 🙂

For everyone, hope yours arrive soon enough to cut the await! To get printing sooner I suggest learning calibrating the printer, especially the PINDA- probe.

Opublikowany : 24/07/2017 10:04 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered mine on June 30th and UPS picked up the package yesterday, it is expected to arrive on Friday. Much faster than I expected.

Opublikowany : 26/07/2017 9:44 am
Strona 40 / 42