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Did everyone get their orders on time?  

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Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

My ordered orange/black MK2S kit was shipped yesterday. I ordered on April 11th. So my lead-time between ordering/paying and shipping was 66 days, or around 9 1/2 weeks.

Advertised lead-time at the time of ordering was 7-8 weeks. Time between UPS labels printed and shipping was two days. Support told me at Wednesday that my order will ship on Thursday, but it wasn't shipped until Friday evening.

The communication of lead-times and order progression is pretty bad in my eyes and could need some heavy improvements.

Veröffentlicht : 17/06/2017 7:59 am
Trusted Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered 9th April
Shipped 13th June
Arriving 19th June

Orange & Black kit
10 weeks total.
To Australia.

Includes Multi Material Kit too! Ordered separately but somehow bundled together. 😉

Veröffentlicht : 17/06/2017 1:29 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?


Currently on part 8 of Assembly :mrgreen:

Philip G.
Original Prusa i3 MK2S
Turnigy Fabrikator Mini

Veröffentlicht : 17/06/2017 9:55 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I ordered on April 26th, with my original 7 week date having past I am seriously considering cancelling my order and getting something like a CR-10 instead and then upgrading parts as needed.. I am not sure that my experience will be that much better to justify the added cost.
i feel ya. this ridiculous backorder situation... the tardiness of updates - even after paying a significant premium over similar machines... it really takes the lustre off the purchase experience doesn't it?

a token packet of sweets only goes so far... so yes i'm expecting this machine better be freakin' special 👿 - and that the actual ownership experience makes up for it!

Veröffentlicht : 17/06/2017 10:06 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

10 weeks and 3 days after Prusa billed my CC, my orange and black kit was dropped off on my doorstep.

Rather than the UPS Express listed, my printer kit was shipped UPS Expedited (about twice as slow as Express).

I ordered at the beginning of April and watched U.S. customers who ordered past the middle of May receive shipping notices while my kit, ordered 5 weeks earlier, kept sitting in limbo--listed as backordered. I contacted Prusa 3 times (twice through chat and once via email).

That said, the box arrived in great shape and everything inside looks well-packed and intact.

If the quality of the bagged, plastic pieces included is indicative of the quality of the prints this machine will deliver, it's going to be capable of fantastic quality once assembled. I just wish it had been delivered when it was supposed to be.

Veröffentlicht : 18/06/2017 3:07 am
Trusted Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Unfortunately my delivery got delayed another day.

Last night when I went to bed it had been in Melbourne most of the previous day and was still on for delivery today (19th) and for no explicable reason the delivery date got changed to the 20th at 6am this morning. 🙁 Still, what's another day after 10 weeks waiting?

The annoying thing is that it's getting delivered to my workplace, and I'm on the same industrial estate as the UPS depot!!! 😡 Literally a couple of streets away and they couldn't be bothered delivering it today!?!

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 5:53 am
Trusted Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I just noticed on the webshop page that lead time for the kit is now supposedly 4 weeks for the kit and 2-3 weeks for the assembled printer. Thats roughly half of what they said when I ordered. Not holding my breath though.

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 8:27 am
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I just noticed on the webshop page that lead time for the kit is now supposedly 4 weeks for the kit and 2-3 weeks for the assembled printer. Thats roughly half of what they said when I ordered. Not holding my breath though.

Where did you see the shorter lead times?

Also after having deleted the browser cache and having refreshed several times the webshop page, I can read that the lead time is still 7 weeks both for the MK2S kit as well for the MK2S assembled printer.

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 9:28 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

7 weeks for both now.

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 10:18 am
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Looks like the shipping table is still more or less accurate. Just got an email with a UPS tracking number for the orange-black kit I ordered April 21st, adjusting that my payment registered on the 26th, I think it's fair to say that this still within the 7 week period.

Heck just got another email from UPS with an estimate for the delivery and I should have it tomorrow 😯 (shipping to the southern part of Poland)
Too bad I will probably only get time to assemble it during the weekend unless I stock up on some Club-Mate and pull an all nighter 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 1:33 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Looks like the shipping table is still more or less accurate. Just got an email with a UPS tracking number for the orange-black kit I ordered April 21st, adjusting that my payment registered on the 26th, I think it's fair to say that this still within the 7 week period.

Heck just got another email from UPS with an estimate for the delivery and I should have it tomorrow 😯 (shipping to the southern part of Poland)
Too bad I will probably only get time to assemble it during the weekend unless I stock up on some Club-Mate and pull an all nighter 🙂

Hey great to know your printer is shipping on time! Lots of caffeine and excitement will get you through the build in no time.

Is that a kit or a pre-built printer? If it's a kit then it will be good news considering they were falling behind on the kits recently.

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 1:42 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

It's a kit so fingers crossed they are now over the hurdle and will start shipping kits out faster.

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 2:01 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered an orange kit on 24.04.2017.

On Saturday I asked (email) support about the delivery date and just got an email back saying:
"Looks like it will ship tomorrow."

We'll see 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 2:15 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Order date 25th April, just checked with support and was told it's being packed and should ship out midweek. Another confirmation that they are on time with the estimated shipping table. Excitement reaching critical levels 😀

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 2:19 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Where did you see the shorter lead times?

Also after having deleted the browser cache and having refreshed several times the webshop page, I can read that the lead time is still 7 weeks both for the MK2S kit as well for the MK2S assembled printer.

Ahm.. yeah, I get the same now too. And yet I wasnt on drugs, and had already had my coffee when I saw it?

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 3:22 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered orange/black kit with no extras on April 15. The payment cleared the same day.
Label created June 16th (Friday)
Packed it over the weekend.
UPS picked it up this morning. June 19th shipping to the USA. - no set delivery date yet.
I did pay the UPS Express Saver® 2-3 day shipping so ill keep you posted on its progress.

So 9 weeks lead time for me. But according to previous posts shipping dates, It looks like the clan of the "9 week-ers" is quickly coming to an end.
So just as the "10 week-ers" passed the baton to us, Its now up to the "8 week-ers" to enter the fray.
Good luck gentlefolk of the 8 week clan, see you in the other threads.

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 6:19 pm
Justin K
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I ordered back in April, when the posted lead time was 7 weeks. It ended up taking 8 weeks + 1 week for delivery, but I ain't even mad. Delivery details attached.


Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2017 6:48 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Hi guys,

I ordered a Orange and Black kit on the 22th of April. My printer shipped today so 59 days (8.5 weeks) until shipping. It should be delivered on thursday (living in France) 😀

Hope it will help some of you waiting

Veröffentlicht : 20/06/2017 9:17 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered orange kit April 19th. Spoke with chat support last night requesting a estimated ship date and they told me this week.

Got my notification this morning (6/20/2017) that the label had been created and is ready for UPS pickup. For those having to deal with this painful wait below is a list that helped me get through it.

How I killed time waiting for my Prusa

1. Watched every 3D printing video I could find.
2. Watched build videos and read through the manual.
3. Started collecting items from thingiverse, myminifactory, etc...
4. Learned Fusion 360 and have created roughly 30 designs to fix things around the house.
5. Learned how to use MeshMixer
6. Learned how to use Slic3r, Cura, Simplify3D
7. Ordered a CR-10
8. Canceled order for CR-10
9 . Order Monoprice i3 Plus (Prime Shipping) - Wife is pissed!!!!
10. Order 3 IKEA Lack tables
11. Been printing, learning, and modding the i3 Plus for about 2 weeks.
12. Ordered roughly 20 spools of filament and signed up for the Maker Geek Box Subscripting.

I recommend anyone waiting to follow steps 1-6 (FYI, You don't need Simplify3D). Steps 7-11 only happened because I'm a 35 year old man child that doesn't like to wait. Step 12 is because I have a problem.

Veröffentlicht : 20/06/2017 10:23 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Hi All

I Ordered mine on the 4th of may, and i followed your steps with different order

1. Watched every 3D printing video I could find.
2 . Order Wanhao i3 Plus (same day Shipping localy) - Wife is pissed!!!!
3. Started collecting items from thingiverse, myminifactory, etc...
4. Started printing and failing and getting pissed and learning
4. Learned Fusion 360 and have created roughly 10 designs to fix things around the house.
5. Learned how to use MeshMixer
6. Learned how to use Slic3r, Cura, Simplify3D
7. Watched build videos and read through the manual.
8 . Order Original Prusa i3 - Wife is realy pissed now!!!!
9. Been printing, learning, and modding the i3 Plus for about 2 weeks.
10. i went through roughly 10 spools of filament and ordered 20 more.
11. buying 3 IKEA Lack tables tomorrow

and still the wait is killing me. 💡

12. watched upgrade videos till i cant watch no more
13. order parts to upgrade the Wanhao i3 plus.(every thing, main board, buildplate, proximity sensor, i am keeping the nema's for now).
14. thinking of building my own now Prusa hurry up or i will be put in an asylum. 😀

Keep on smiling -

Veröffentlicht : 21/06/2017 12:59 am
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