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Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?  

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Cunning Linguist
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

I ordered my KIT 2nd November. Support told me to expect it this week. But guess... 😡 🙄
You said in another post your printer was ready for shipment. How did you determine that? I ordered the kit on 1 November and my order is still in "Backorder" status.

I'm trying not to bug them, I'm sure chat is swamped with people asking the same thing, but the lead time was 3-4 weeks when I placed my order. Maybe the squeaky wheel gets the grease?

Bad decisions make good stories

Napsal : 29/11/2016 12:57 pm
Cunning Linguist
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

Well I could not wait and asked in Chat. They say my kit, ordered 1 November, will ship on 7 December. That's just over 5 weeks to anyone that's keeping track.

Bad decisions make good stories

Napsal : 29/11/2016 1:04 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

I nagged them politely by mail 🙂 Today they asked about the black PLA and then I got a tracking mail from UPS.


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Napsal : 29/11/2016 1:48 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

For everyone waiting, I feel your pain!! Mine was 2-3 and was 3 (no complaint). I checked with chat occasionally and politely! They were extremely helpful and did their level best.

I was impatient (exited) to get it and get going but the very positive and helpful responses from them made it a bit easier to wait.

Be mindful of time differences, when I spoke with them it was midnight for them and they were more limited to info they could access.

All I can say is be patient with the staff as I feel they are truly trying their best to get your printer to you as quick as possible and are probably as excited for you to get it as your are.

Just a note to say thanks.

Napsal : 29/11/2016 2:09 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

Any others also don't like the "iconic" orange color? I mean I don't care about color as long it is black 🙂 Also a guitar has to be black. So a printer... :mrgreen:

I wasn't crazy about the orange, but in my case it was get the orange kit or wait even longer. Suddenly, i liked orange a heck of alot more. I guess one could say: Orange became the new black..

Now with guitars, it needs to be "natural" and even more important: it must be a Strat 😛

Napsal : 29/11/2016 6:54 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

I wasn't crazy about orange either but I like it. Glad I chose that instead of black.

Napsal : 29/11/2016 8:06 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

So I seemed to be ordered just at the right time. But I will wait to praise until it arrives... A printed UPS label makes no shipping at all 😉 😳 :mrgreen:


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Napsal : 29/11/2016 8:10 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

A printed UPS label makes no shipping at all 😉 😳 :mrgreen:

Judging from my order: the label was printed the night it shipped. (But UPS tracking didn't update till the next day).
Thursday could be yer lucky day.

Napsal : 29/11/2016 8:19 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

I was really excited when I got the notification from UPS that the label printed. I contacted chat support just to ask and they said yes it was preparing to leave and gave me the tracking number which matched what UPS sent and sure enough it shipped as they said it would.

Napsal : 29/11/2016 8:24 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

Scheduled Delivery:
Thursday, 12/01/2016, By End of Day


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Napsal : 29/11/2016 11:30 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

i was supposed to put the money in my bank on the sat 19th of November for my Kit , but in my haste i forgot my card and Didn't get it out till Monday the 21st ( still showed 4 week lead time then ) i am secretly hopeful ill get it just before Xmas, but not too gutted if not,

Napsal : 30/11/2016 12:21 am
Florian Lang
Eminent Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

Ordered a kit with paypal on 16/11/2016, same as poster above, secretly hoping for christmas. I'm sure Prusa is doing what they can. Business is blooming. Grats to them for designing such a great piece of technology.

Napsal : 30/11/2016 2:10 am
Active Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

I just checked with the chat people and they said that even though I ordered my kit on the 8th of November when the lead time was 3-4 weeks they still wont be shipping my unit until mid December so I guess I got bumped or something...?

Napsal : 30/11/2016 3:07 am
Eminent Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

I know how overwhelming it can be to be hit with a huge increase in business. You want so much to be able to get everyone their order's as fast as possible, but it sometimes takes longer than expected when things get backed up. I'm just glad I'm in line and I know it will get here before too long. With the hype these printers are getting, the wait times are bound to increase even further.

Napsal : 30/11/2016 4:35 am
Estimable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

My Kit is to be delivered tomorrow. Ordered/paid 02. November.

Carsten does the happy dance.

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Napsal : 30/11/2016 7:53 pm
Active Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

Now it is 5-6 weeks for new orders and they won't make it by Christmas. I ordered mine the 23rd of Nov. Hopefully I will see it before Christmas.

Napsal : 30/11/2016 9:13 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

I blame Thomas Sanladerer. He talked up the Prusa I3 MK2. so huge demand now, despite the printers problems. Beware there are problems with this printer, its not a slam dunk perfect printer,it may be a victim of its own success. And lack of support and some spare parts. Not available. Like the PEI sheet and hotbed.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 01/12/2016 6:41 am
Active Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

Which lack of support and spare parts? Did you actually talk to the Prusa people? I got EVERYTHING I asked for. Including a PEI sheet. They might not always be in stock in the shop but asking helps. I think they are trying to keep a lid on "non MK2 users" cleaning them out right now.

Napsal : 01/12/2016 8:09 am
Reputable Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

I agree, the Prusa crew has been nothing but extremely helpful! Every time I have talked to them on chat they have been very friendly and helpful. I give them a break, I got my printer and it set up fine with no major issue and has been running nicely since. Even quiet bearings!!!

I know they are really busy and it is holidays also. I feel that if I need something they are going to be there and do their very best.

No printer is perfect. I have 5 different ones and they all give me fits at times. This whole "home" 3D printer thing is still in its infancy. These things are far from being plug and play for the general public. It still takes a lot of knowledge and understanding to keep them going.

I am amazed at how much I have learned in a year and how much I still don't know.

Napsal : 01/12/2016 1:14 pm
New Member
Re: Current lead time, still 4 weeks ?

Hi all.

newbie here. Just ordered (01/12/2016) a mk2 kit (black/orange) with grey PLA as free filament. payment via paypal. Got an email from prusa saying shipment will go out in 4 weeks. So I'm hopeful about receiving the unit in the first week of January.... but naturally I'd be overjoyed to recieve it in the last week of december so I can tinker over the new year holidays!

Napsal : 01/12/2016 1:36 pm
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