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Cannot get past Original Prusa screen  

New Member
Cannot get past Original Prusa screen

I have had my printer for a while but all of a sudden the LCD started flickering between the Welcome screen and a screen with two rows of black boxes. I have narrowed the issue down to the z motor inputs on the Rambo Board. Whenever I plug in any motor in any orientation into those slots it causes the LCD to flicker like I said before,

Publié : 31/08/2018 12:56 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Cannot get past Original Prusa screen

I would contact Prusa on this either via email or via the online chat

See my stuff at

Publié : 01/09/2018 6:53 am
Estimable Member
Re: Cannot get past Original Prusa screen

Check your power supply cables to the RAMBo board. This was happening to me everytime I tried to heat up the bed. Fortunately, I just upgraded to 2.5, so I had my MK42 bed nearby to see that it wasn't the new bed, and that it was something else. Hunted it down to power supply and came across toasted terminals. I have replacements on order from mouser.

Publié : 05/09/2018 7:05 am
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