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Test print removal  

Eminent Member
Test print removal

Hi, I bought the pre-built Prusa I3 Mk2. It finally arrived after 2 months of waiting.

But, I can't do anything with it. The test print from the factory is stuck to the surface. Specifically, the block with the "PRUSA" name is stuck. The groovy outline thing came off with just a little fingernail pressure. That block is not coming off the same way.

I've tried prying at every corner. I tried a spatula. I tried isopropal alcohol. Nothing seems to budge it.

On my old printers, when I had this issue, sometimes I could heat up the bed to get the print to loosen a little. But, I can't command the bed on this new printer. I can set the bed temp in Pronterface, but it doesn't actually heat up. I think that the printer is refusing to take any command until it is calibrated. Fine, but I can't calibrate it with that block on the print surface!



Opublikowany : 11/02/2017 10:53 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Test print removal

Ok, I got it off. But, that wasted a good hour of my playtime, and still no calibration complete.

I used a box cutter to carefully cut into the P on the raised "PRUSA" lettering, then I was able to get a spatula into that cut enough to pry up and pop that silly block off.

Opublikowany : 11/02/2017 11:03 pm
New Member
Re: Test print removal


I've been trying to remove the "PRUSA" print *all* day. It is ridiculous. Why are they shipping them like this? It is incredibly irritating. Mine is still not off (as with yours, the ring came off with some prying), but this shallow block is stuck *good*. I've tried a ton of tools and walked away so I didn't gouge the heatbed in frustration/carelessness. It is not a great start after waiting for so long. (not to mention some charming customer service in which I was asked "How excited will your significant other be to get his 3D Printer?" - Uh....)

I'm currently scowling at it from across the room while doing some other work.

Opublikowany : 14/03/2017 1:52 am
New Member
Re: Test print removal

(Also, I finally got mine off by gouging into a corner with a metal ruler and prying it with torque. I wiped down the heatbed with an included alcohol wipe. Here's to printing!)

Opublikowany : 14/03/2017 9:55 pm