Does Bed leveling algorithm only apply if printing from SD Card? Will I get the same results if I use OctoPrint?
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Does Bed leveling algorithm only apply if printing from SD Card? Will I get the same results if I use OctoPrint?  

Honorable Member
Does Bed leveling algorithm only apply if printing from SD Card? Will I get the same results if I use OctoPrint?


Does Bed leveling algorithm only apply if printing from SD Card?

I plan to print with Octoprint using a USB cable. So if Octoprint tells the printer to print at z-axis absolute zero, will the printer print at + or - absolute zero if the bed is not flat as determined by the bed measurements taken before the print starts?

This would not be a show stopper for me, as I would gladly print from directly from the SD card if it the only way to have the bed leveling data incorporated into the first layer.


Napsal : 01/11/2016 12:26 am
Estimable Member
Re: Does Bed leveling algorithm only apply if printing from SD Card? Will I get the same results if I use OctoPrint?

Hey Dave!

The Mesh Bed Leveling feature is built into the firmware, and will work fine from Octoprint as long as you have the appropriate M commands in the starting gcode. This should be added by your slicer (assuming you're using PR's published profiles and drivers) and will then be processed by Octoprint.

Napsal : 01/11/2016 6:05 am
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Does Bed leveling algorithm only apply if printing from SD Card? Will I get the same results if I use OctoPrint?

Are these part of the default settings when you first install Octoprint and if not can you provide the proper Gcode codes or a link to how to set this up?

Napsal : 01/11/2016 12:06 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Does Bed leveling algorithm only apply if printing from SD Card? Will I get the same results if I use OctoPrint?

Are these part of the default settings when you first install Octoprint and if not can you provide the proper Gcode codes or a link to how to set this up?

I don't have any personal experience with Octoprint but my own experience so far is that the codes are added by the slicer, not the print manager. They would already be in the GCODE that your slicer makes, before even touching Octoprint.

Napsal : 01/11/2016 9:35 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Does Bed leveling algorithm only apply if printing from SD Card? Will I get the same results if I use OctoPrint?

Okay, so I just download the Prusa printing profile for Cura (my slicer) and and I am all set.

In watching the videos on using the printing with live adjustments, I think I will ditch the print manager.

Thanks everyone for the help! I am really excited to get my MK2.

Napsal : 02/11/2016 11:33 am