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Z Calibration  

Active Member
Z Calibration


I just finish to mount my kit and now I need to do the calibration. I see the vidéo of Josef ( ) to calibrate the Z axes. Like you can see on this picture, the PINDA is properly aligned :

But when I start de calibration of Z, It work's fine on the first point but for the 8 other point, he wants to go lower :

Someone could help me ?


Postato : 05/01/2017 3:18 pm
Utenti Moderator
Re: Z Calibration


On the video you can clearly see that the PINDA is not aligned at all with the last circle (for the other it's hard to tell) so you most likely do not have X and Y axis perpendicular, I would say that you should make the right side of the bed move to the front.

So the screws holding the left side of the frame would need to move a bit to the rear to make X and Y perpendicular, the right one being tied to the PSU rear attachement.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Postato : 05/01/2017 3:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z Calibration


I lowered the probe PINDA and it's ok now. I have an other pb, the front circle are not detected


Postato : 05/01/2017 10:51 pm
Active Member
Re: Z Calibration

I'm new to this too, but if this is a kit assembly it looks like you may have skipped steps 6.3.4 and 6.3.5 in the 3D printing handbook. It looks like you have some very out of alignment axis as well as possibly an un-level bed.

If you did do steps 6.3.4 and 6.3.5 and they passed, sorry I won't be any help.

Postato : 10/01/2017 8:33 pm