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Traveling Z-Axis Zero  

New Member
Traveling Z-Axis Zero


I have a problem with my new I3 MK2.
I have calibrated the printer and live adjusted the Z-Axis. The printer does what he should, the display shows Z= 0.15 for the first layer and the print is OK.
When i want to print the same model again, the nozzle is to high, the display shows 0.15 for Z and he prints the filament in the air. 👿
Ok, new Z-adjustment with live adjustment and print is OK.
Same problem next time.
This is repeating. The live adjustment value for the first print was -0,62, then -0,98, .. til it reaches -3.3.
I have installed a micro meter on the Z-axis , to see the real hight. It shows always the same hight for a perfect print, the display also shows the same Z-value, only the z -live adjustment increases.

Home position differs by 50um.

For me, it looks like the SW has a problem.

Any good Idea?

Prusa I3 MK2, FW: 3.0.8, Sep 1 2016
Slicer Cura 15..04.06

Napsal : 21/09/2016 7:25 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Traveling Z-Axis Zero

Only things i can think of are that either your probe is loose or you are potentially triggering the probe too early with a metallic object (perhaps cleaning the nozzle as it starts to home?)

Another, more distant, possibility is that the probe is intermittently failing and causing an open signal (it's a NC switch) from wiring or solid -state hardware issues. This would also be causing the probe to "trigger" before it touches the bed and create the need to increase the z-offset to drop the nozzle to the correct height.

Just some thoughts!

Napsal : 22/09/2016 2:03 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Member Admin
Re: Traveling Z-Axis Zero

Did you run the V2calibration.gcode to adjust the height of the nozzle?
Did you run it up to the end?

Napsal : 23/09/2016 5:08 pm