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PINDA Strap fixed my XYZ Calibration Failure  

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PINDA Strap fixed my XYZ Calibration Failure

Hello All,

I just wanted to share a quick photo of a strap that I added to my extruder head.

For about 3 days I have been trying all sorts of changes to get my XYZ Cal to pass, but I couldn't. I knew something changed with the printer because I had printed for 2 weeks with excellent results. Same Prusa PLA, same slicer, same settings. I noticed in another post that one user (can't find the post right now, sorry) added a strap on the outlet side of the extruder cooling air path right near extruder fins. When I inspected this area on my printer, there was a noticable but small separation of the two parts that I know used to be flush. I also noticed that the part that holds the PINDA probe was not as vertical as before. The bottom of the probe was kicked slightly aftward - toward the back of the printer. So I added the strap, ran the calibration and finally...finally it passed!

Maybe this will help others if they're getting failures and notice the same gap on their mating extruder parts.


Publié : 13/02/2017 1:14 am
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