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PINDA Probe Nut Working loose  

Active Member
PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

I just came in to check on my first semi long duration print and was mystified by a shiny nut lying on the printbed. After freaking out about poltegeists or things dropping from the ceiling I realised it was the bottom securing nut from the PINDA probe.

Can these actually work loose from vibrations and movement to the point they fall off so quickly (24 hours total printing?) I will have to put a drop of glue on it.

Will my print be ok? It at like 80%. Is the PINDA purely to prevent printbed crashes at the beginning? Or do I need to keep an eye on it when it finishes? I cant remember if it drops right to the print bed on completion. Im fairly sure it is still in position due to the top nut.

Publié : 24/02/2017 5:29 pm
Active Member
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

Never heard of that happening before. I suggest nipping the nut a bit harder and rather than using glue, print a probe protector (STL may be on the SD card that came with the printer) and check the nut every so often. The probe protector will stop the nut dropping of into the print and it is a good idea to have it on the probe anyway.

Publié : 24/02/2017 7:10 pm
Active Member
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

Never heard of that happening before. I suggest nipping the nut a bit harder and rather than using glue, print a probe protector (STL may be on the SD card that came with the printer) and check the nut every so often.

Publié : 24/02/2017 7:23 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

I found one other reference to this happening on the printer. However I suspect I only originally tightened it by hand while I was calibrating and never tightened it up fully. I will recalibrate it and print one of the probe protectors.

Publié : 24/02/2017 8:24 pm
Estimable Member
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

I found one other reference to this happening on the printer. However I suspect I only originally tightened it by hand while I was calibrating and never tightened it up fully. I will recalibrate it and print one of the probe protectors.

You can use something called Locktite (brand name, dont know the technical term). it comes in different strengths, and is a metal-to-metal-ony glue.
But if you use the light or medium, you can unscrew the screw again. Its made for this exact purpose, and has other brands and names depending where you live, but its useful stuff.

Publié : 24/02/2017 10:49 pm
Active Member
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

Of course the solution to any 3D printing problem always involves 3D printing something. It is an unwritten law of the universe.

Publié : 24/02/2017 11:18 pm
Active Member
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

I found one other reference to this happening on the printer. However I suspect I only originally tightened it by hand while I was calibrating and never tightened it up fully. I will recalibrate it and print one of the probe protectors.

You can use something called Locktite (brand name, dont know the technical term). it comes in different strengths, and is a metal-to-metal-ony glue.
But if you use the light or medium, you can unscrew the screw again. Its made for this exact purpose, and has other brands and names depending where you live, but its useful stuff.

It is most commonly called thread locker. Blue is the medium strength and what is recommended, red is "permanent" and requires a lot of force or heat to remove it. The blue loctite actually comes in a red tube so make sure to read labels carefully.

Publié : 24/02/2017 11:52 pm
Rob Cole
Active Member
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

My kit hasn't arrived yet, but would getting another nut and double nutting do the job? It definitely will not loosen then. Only you need a second wrench to put it on or take it off.

Publié : 25/02/2017 5:34 am
Active Member
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

It happened to me once, because I didn't have it tight enough and I guess the vibration worked it loose.

Publié : 25/02/2017 10:49 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

Hot glue FTW. Small drop is enough.
With thread locker you might get into trouble later trying to unscrew it. The probe holder is quite fragile.

Publié : 25/02/2017 10:56 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: PINDA Probe Nut Working loose

Thanks for the tips everyone!

Im back in business!

Thats a good point regarding the probe holder. i was wary of breaking it. I might try hot glue or some silicon sealant that can be peeled off. Getting that PINDA probe back at the right height was a nightmare I want to avoid. makes me feel sick watching that heat bed flex when doing a failed z calibration 😮 .

That said I did a better job of it this time round.

Publié : 25/02/2017 2:51 pm
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