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Help: i give up  

Active Member
Help: i give up

I bought the Prusa i3 MK2 in 2016. After many failed attempts at calibrating and first level printing...I was able to print the Prusa logo successfully then everything after was an issue. I actually failed several times to print the prusa logo until it randomly printed one day after being off for weeks. Just turned it on and printed. I was never able to successfully print after that. Countless hours of watching what very few Prusa troubleshooting videos I could find, tried the common issues solutions, reached out on the forums, updated drivers, cleaned residue from extruder area, making sure the printer was on a level table/stand....nothing works. 

Is there anyone in NY that can physically help me troubleshoot this thing? I'm open to any suggestions, solutions, anything...


Respondido : 19/05/2019 12:22 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Help: i give up

Honestly - it looks like the X axis is binding.  You should be able to slide the extruder left stop to right stop and not feel any rough or sticky spots. For the bed, you should be able to slide it front to back as well, with no sticky points.

If you feel any points of resistance your bearings are probably clamped too tight or damaged during build (inserting the rods can be problematic).  The U-bolts being too tight is a known problem and will deform the Y-Axis bearings (I think the Mk2 uses them).  And the extruder housing can be over tightened and also deform the X-axis bearings.  If you feel any sticky points when moving the axis around, loosen the U-bolts a bit and the rear extruder housing screws a bit - see if that helps reduce the stickiness.  Another thing to try is to put a drop or two of machine oil on the rods as you slide the bed and extruder. 

I'd offer to help buy I'm west coast and the plane ticket would cost you more than a new prebuilt Mk3S ... lol. 


A tertiary issue you may or may not see now, is that over time the bed may be dirty and a good soap and water cleaning is probably needed.  

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 6 years por --
Respondido : 04/06/2019 11:14 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Help: i give up

I'll be repeating myself from another thread today: Also check that your X (and Y) pulleys are properly tightened (set screw against flat first) according to the manual. The layer shifts can be caused by loose pulleys, too. Or by PINDA being too low and hitting the printed object, but you'd probably notice that while printing.

And no, I can't fly to NY either, it'd be across the Atlantic.

Respondido : 04/06/2019 11:31 pm
Noble Member
RE: Help: i give up

You can also contact someone in your area. There are a lot of Prusa Printer owner out there willing to help: https://www.prusaprinters.org/world

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Respondido : 04/06/2019 11:33 pm