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Failed Print's since building the unit.  

Kevin Carroll
Failed Print's since building the unit.

Hello All, 

I have read everything in the trouble shooting guide. other then throwing parts at the unit. I am not sure what to do. 

What's been done to date, and have had very little success with printing is.....

Run self test and checks out OKRan Calibrations of XYZ and comes back with slight skew but checks OKRan Z Adjust and calibration with success.Ran First layer calibration with mixed results. first time it came out a little high so I ran again Second run is stuttering around and feeding fillament one time then the next time not.have measured the screws at 14.1MM with out filament loadedChecked hob-goblin wheel is clean and no debrisChecked with extruder test and it works wellRan test again worked good, got great layer adhesionLoaded Chunky_Boat model and got through 10 mins of run and then extruder stops feeding pla againRan the self test again, ran calibration, ran model again all checks out good and settings remain.Not sure how to get a better print or heck a print at all at this point. 

Once I have decent squish and adhesion. I got print the chubby_boat. The first 10 mins are great, sticks, build up and start's filling in, then it seems to stop extruding the materials again and thats where I just stop the print. 

this morning I took some advice and started as if I had just unboxed this thing. Ran through the manual, and youtube videos. I've done and have everything I can think of or have read. Everything seems to be within spec. The parts and plugs are in the right spot (or so I think hehe) and yet it won't do much in the way of making printed things......

Please help! At this point I don't know what to even try.


Posted : 23/05/2023 1:49 pm
Kevin Carroll
Topic starter answered:

First Layer Calibration This is the best first layer calibration I can achieve. 

Posted : 23/05/2023 2:53 pm
Kevin Carroll
Topic starter answered:
RE: Failed Print's since building the unit.

Posted : 23/05/2023 3:39 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Failed Print's since building the unit.

Never print directly on the heated bed !

Only print on a flexible print plate!

Posted : 23/05/2023 7:33 pm
Illustrious Member

Is this a Mk2 or a Mk2S?  If you are unsure see Step 1 on:

If you are still unsure show us a picture of the whole printer both front and back.

 - Where did you get the kit from?  It must have been on a shelf somewhere for the last five years...

The Mk2 doesn't have a flexible print sheet, it has rigid ultem - 'though it's possible to upgrade to a version with the magnetic bed and flexible sheets.


Posted : 23/05/2023 9:49 pm