During initial start up the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise
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During initial start up the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise  

chung yu.c
Eminent Member
During initial start up the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise

When I did my calibration the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise. It is as if the extruder is trying very hard to move to the left even though there is no space left for it to move. During this a lot of noise is generated. However after a while the calibration will resume normally and the wierd thing is it does not affect the print job. The print quality is still good and the calibration is also accurate.

Anyone sharing the same problem as I am. Kindly give me some advice. Thanks in advance guys!

Napsal : 17/09/2016 3:42 am
Estimable Member
Re: During initial start up the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise

it sounds as if your X endstop isnt triggering correctly. I would check to make sure its mounted correctly and make sure its plugged in all the way and in the proper slot.

Napsal : 17/09/2016 5:05 am
Estimable Member
Re: During initial start up the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise

Did your machine pass the self check?

Napsal : 17/09/2016 5:08 am
chung yu.c
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: During initial start up the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise

Yes it did pass the self test. I will see if I can post a video to illustrate my problem. Thanks mate!

Napsal : 17/09/2016 6:30 am
New Member
Re: During initial start up the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise

well, same happened to me too a while ago, and after a while i noticed, that the black electricians band holding together the cables behind the extruder turned and moved very slightly, so when extruder was trying to hit the endstop, the band was hitting the frame, stopping the extruder just before it properly clicks the switch.
so check the cables when extruder is moving

Napsal : 17/09/2016 11:36 pm
Linux User Group Oberschwaben
Estimable Member
Re: During initial start up the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise


The same thing happened to me to. Today for the first time!

I know that the tolerances are really tight with the cables. Josef schould design a upgrade for the cable holder. A small nudge to the right side would do it i think.

However as my printer is actually printing a 24 hours job right now (replacement printer parts). I can not check if the cables are the source of this...

Napsal : 18/09/2016 1:46 pm
chung yu.c
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: During initial start up the extruder will move against the left vertical axle and create a lot of noise

It seems that after running calibrations a few time, the noise and vibration now last shorter and everything is smooth now! 😀

Napsal : 28/09/2016 5:37 am