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Cookie cutter Print Issue  

Jorge De Los Santos
New Member
Cookie cutter Print Issue

Hello! good morning, I consult you maybe I can help with this problem, I have been printing this model for a personal project and I have the flaw that I appear "hairs" on the object after printing.
I increased the retraction length to 1.2mm but as shown in the image, the hairs continue.
I am using Slic3r PRusa edition

Any recommendation?

Thank you!!

Veröffentlicht : 18/11/2018 7:00 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Cookie cutter Print Issue

Although the options to "wipe" and "raise before travel" (in the "Extruder 1" section of the Printer Settings tab) are intended to help with stringing, I have had better luck avoiding stringing by turning them off. You can also play with the M900 K setting (In Custom G-Code within the "Filament Settings" tab, which is intended to taper off the filament feed just before a travel move in order to start the travel move with minimum pressure in the melt chamber. You might try "Avoid crossing perimeters" in the Print Settings "Layers and Perimeters" tab, although with your shape that setting might not do very much except slow down the slicing process.

You can also get a heat gun at a hobby store and direct a blast of hot air at the strings; they will melt back to tiny nubs. Or you can use a sharp knife or a file to mechanically remove them.

Veröffentlicht : 18/11/2018 8:13 pm