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Prusa i3 mk2s Recommended Enclosure Temperature  

Active Member
Prusa i3 mk2s Recommended Enclosure Temperature

Hi All,

I am in the process of finalizing my enclosure and was wondering about how hot the enclosure can get before it damages, or poses a danger to the printer.

• I have heard that PLA begins to degrade at around 60 degrees. But what about the electronics? What temperature is dangerous for them? What temperature should I aim for?

I print only with PLA at the moment to an enclosure is not really needed but I want one for dust and fire prevention / containment etc.

Many thanks


Postato : 25/04/2018 11:02 am
Estimable Member
Re: Prusa i3 mk2s Recommended Enclosure Temperature

I would install ventilation.

Doing PLA myself with my mk2MMU in an enclosure, I noticed heat creap and filament jams when the temperature went above 29 degrees Celcius. Since installing ventilation and keeping the temperature below that (usually around 22), no more issues with PLA.

Postato : 25/04/2018 8:06 pm