Keep 12v hotend fan?
I already have a Noctua (20mm thick version) fan on my MK2s. I use the tilted fan adapter from Thingiverse. Is it possible to keep this fan and not use the 5V Noctua that comes with the 2.5 upgrade kit? The A4x20 FLX 12V has better flow/pressure than the A4x10 5V version. Specs here at bottom of page
It looks like the 2.5 upgrade plugs the hotend fan into a different socket on the Rambo board (blue line). I suspect I can't keep my old fan plugged in where it is today as I'm sure the firmware changes which socket it powers/controls the fan with. But worth asking....??
Re: Keep 12v hotend fan?
There is a jumper wire connector on the MK2.5 kit that you connect to both sections in the manual. The extra connector is for RPM feedback of the noctua fan. Can you keep your other fan? Sure, probably, as long as the connector and mounting holes line up. The PINDA also has another jumper cable for the temperature monitoring.
Your issue probably with that fan is how far it juts out. If you can get another angled with the larger mounting holes, you'll be fine. Otherwise your fan may run into the Z-axis threaded rod before your x-carriage triggers the endstop