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Finished print song?  

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Reputable Member
Finished print song?

Hi guys, I wanted the printer to make some sort of tone when the print completed. Then thought, "why not something fun?".

; Play Classical.
M300 S659.255 P125 ; Play E5 for 4th.
M300 S622.254 P125 ; Play Eb5 for 4th.
M300 S659.255 P125 ; Play E5 for 4th.
M300 S622.254 P125 ; Play Eb5 for 4th.
M300 S659.255 P125 ; Play E5 for 4th.
M300 S493.883 P125 ; Play B4 for 4th.
M300 S587.33 P125 ; Play D5 for 4th.
M300 S523.251 P125 ; Play C5 for 4th.
M300 S440 P500 ; Play A4 for Whole.

; Play Batman Theme
M300 S440 P125 ; Play A4 for 4th.
M300 S493.883 P125 ; Play B4 for 4th.
M300 S261.626 P125 ; Play C4 for 4th.
M300 S698.456 P500 ; Play F5 for Whole.
M300 S659.255 P250 ; Play E5 for 2nd.
G4 P500 ; Pause for Whole.
M300 S440 P125 ; Play A4 for 4th.
M300 S493.883 P125 ; Play B4 for 4th.
M300 S261.626 P125 ; Play C4 for 4th.
M300 S659.255 P500 ; Play E5 for Whole.
M300 S739.989 P500 ; Play Gb5 for Whole.
M300 S783.991 P250 ; Play G5 for 2nd.

; Play Ghostbusters Theme
M300 S987.767 P125 ; Play B5 for 4th.
M300 S987.767 P125 ; Play B5 for 4th.
M300 S1244.51 P250 ; Play Eb6 for 2nd.
M300 S987.767 P250 ; Play B5 for 2nd.
M300 S1108.73 P250 ; Play Db6 for 2nd.
M300 S880 P250 ; Play A5 for 2nd.
G4 P250 ; Pause for 2nd.
M300 S987.767 P125 ; Play B5 for 4th.
M300 S987.767 P125 ; Play B5 for 4th.
M300 S987.767 P125 ; Play B5 for 4th.
M300 S987.767 P125 ; Play B5 for 4th.
M300 S880 P250 ; Play A5 for 2nd.
M300 S1108.73 P250 ; Play Db6 for 2nd.
M300 S987.767 P125 ; Play B5 for 4th.

; Play Imperial March
M300 S195.998 P250 ; Play G3 for 2nd.
M300 S195.998 P250 ; Play G3 for 2nd.
M300 S195.998 P250 ; Play G3 for 2nd.
M300 S155.563 P125 ; Play Eb3 for 4th.
G4 P62.5 ; Pause for 8th.
M300 S233.082 P62.5 ; Play Bb3 for 8th.
M300 S195.998 P250 ; Play G3 for 2nd.
M300 S155.563 P125 ; Play Eb3 for 4th.
G4 P62.5 ; Pause for 8th.
M300 S233.082 P62.5 ; Play Bb3 for 8th.
M300 S195.998 P500 ; Play G3 for Whole.
M300 S293.665 P250 ; Play D4 for 2nd.
M300 S293.665 P250 ; Play D4 for 2nd.
M300 S293.665 P250 ; Play D4 for 2nd.
M300 S311.127 P125 ; Play Eb4 for 4th.
G4 P62.5 ; Pause for 8th.
M300 S246.942 P62.5 ; Play B3 for 8th.
M300 S184.997 P250 ; Play Gb3 for 2nd.
M300 S155.563 P125 ; Play Eb3 for 4th.
G4 P62.5 ; Pause for 8th.
M300 S233.082 P62.5 ; Play Bb3 for 8th.
M300 S195.998 P500 ; Play G3 for Whole.

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Posted : 04/06/2018 12:10 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Finished print song?

😀 😎


Posted : 04/06/2018 5:36 pm
French moderator and translator Moderator
Re: Finished print song?

Nice! :mrgreen:

Posted : 04/06/2018 11:01 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Finished print song?

where do i put this into

Posted : 22/07/2018 7:26 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Finished print song?

If those are too silly for you, I use:

M300 S1046.5 P100 ; Play C6
M300 S1174.7 P100 ; Play D6
M300 S1318.5 P100 ; Play E6
M300 S1396.9 P100 ; Play F6

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Posted : 22/07/2018 8:19 am
Reputable Member
Re: Finished print song?

Just for clarification... If I'm reading the image correctly, insert the code before disabling motors(?)

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Posted : 26/07/2018 5:05 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Finished print song?

Do you want the motors to release before or after the song? I wanted it before. Doesn't really matter.

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Posted : 26/07/2018 8:02 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Finished print song?

When I asked the question, it wasn't clear to me what hardware component was making the "song".

At the risk of dating myself, back in the days of the Commodore 64, some folks figured out how to get their 1541 disc drive to play, "Bicycle Built for Two" (and other ditties...) You may have to crank up the volume to hear it, but live--at the time--it was quite audible.

From context, I gather the songs played by the printer have another means for producing the tones.

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Posted : 27/07/2018 4:44 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Finished print song?

That would be a fun project too but no heroic tinkering is needed to have an end-of-print chime. Just the M300 buzzer/beeper control command (see code).

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Posted : 28/07/2018 12:22 am
New Member
Re: Finished print song?

Here are some more

;Auld Lang Syne
M300 S 578 P 800
M300 S 783 P 1200
M300 S 783 P 400
M300 S 783 P 800
M300 S 987 P 800
M300 S 880 P 1200
M300 S 783 P 400
M300 S 880 P 800
M300 S 987 P 800
M300 S 783 P 1200
M300 S 783 P 400
M300 S 987 P 800
M300 S 1174 P 800
M300 S 1318 P 1600

M300 S988 P400
M300 S988 P400
M300 S1047 P400
M300 S1175 P400
M300 S1175 P400
M300 S1047 P400
M300 S988 P400
M300 S880 P400
M300 S784 P400
M300 S784 P400
M300 S880 P400
M300 S988 P400
M300 S988 P600
M300 S880 P200
M300 S880 P800

M300 S 1046 P 233
M300 S 1046 P 233
M300 S 1046 P 233
M300 S 1046 P 200
M300 S 1046 P 200
M300 S 1046 P 200
M300 S 987 P 800
M300 S 1396 P 200
M300 S 880 P 400
M300 S 783 P 1000
M300 S 1046 P 200
M300 S 1046 P 400
M300 S 987 P 400
M300 S 1046 P 200
M300 S 987 P 200
M300 S 880 P 200
M300 S 783 P 400
M300 S 1318 P 400
M300 S 783 P 800

;Super Mario
M300 S 1318 P 200
M300 S 1318 P 200
M300 S 0 P 200
M300 S 1318 P 200
M300 S 0 P 200
M300 S 1046 P 200
M300 S 1318 P 400
M300 S 1567 P 400
M300 S 0 P 400
M300 S 783 P 400
M300 S 0 P 400
M300 S 1567 P 400
M300 S 0 P 200
M300 S 783 P 200
M300 S 0 P 200
M300 S 659 P 400
M300 S 0 P 200
M300 S 880 P 200
M300 S 0 P 200
M300 S 987 P 200
M300 S 0 P 200
M300 S 925 P 200
M300 S 880 P 400
M300 S 783 P 300
M300 S 1318 P 300
M300 S 1567 P 300
M300 S 1760 P 400
M300 S 1396 P 200
M300 S 1567 P 200
M300 S 0 P 200
M300 S 1318 P 200
M300 S 0 P 200
M300 S 1046 P 200
M300 S 1174 P 200
M300 S 987 P 200

Posted : 28/07/2018 9:43 pm
New Member
Re: Finished print song?

Think you could figure out the Final Fantasy VII victory song?

Posted : 22/08/2018 11:36 pm
Madblam and AxioN liked
Illustrious Member
Re: Finished print song?

Novelty songs played at high volume on a piezo buzzer are interesting once. Maybe twice. After that, I want a minimal chirp to announce the job is done.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 23/08/2018 1:10 am
taygeezy liked
Noble Member
Re: Finished print song?

Actually once the printer gets quiet, this is a real good indicator for me 😀

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Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
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Posted : 24/08/2018 12:41 am
Re: Finished print song?

Final Countdown by Europe?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 24/08/2018 1:01 am
Reputable Member
Re: Finished print song?

We're usually watching a movie in an adjoining room while the printer does its thing. The beep isn't loud or long enough to hear/discern over the soundtrack, so I find myself squinting every once in a while to see if there's any movement in the spool. (I hate having the spool on top of the printer, but until the MMU gets here and I can set both up properly in my office closet...)

So the little ditties would be helpful for us... if I could remember to paste them onto the gcode! 😳
I'm usually so stoked about having a file ready to print that I forget all about the tunes in the rush to print.
(Now if I could find one that played Foggy Mountain Breakdown, things might be different...) 😀

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Posted : 24/08/2018 1:41 am
Eminent Member
RE: Finished print song?

Thank you. Fantastic (and fun) idea for noisy environments. 

Posted : 22/11/2019 6:53 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Finished print song?

I'm trying to this with my Mk3S and I'm having some issues. Whenever I try to play a song it only produces 1 frequency. There are brief pauses between gcode lines and when I set the frequency to 0, but that's it. Is there a firmware setting or a setting in the lcd menu that I need to enable to get different frequencies?

Posted : 08/03/2020 4:56 pm
New Member
RE: Finished print song?

Good. Thank you much. 1 great idea

Posted : 20/03/2020 6:43 am
Noble Member
RE: Finished print song?

I wonder if you could play Chopin - Funeral March if the print crashes or fails 😀 

Normal people believe that if it is not broke, do not fix it. Engineers believe that if it is not broke, it does not have enough features yet.

Posted : 20/03/2020 6:56 am
Noble Member
RE: Finished print song?


I think I read in the latest firmware RC that the feature to play notes had been fixed. Maybe making it up, I am very old and doddery.

Posted : 20/03/2020 1:55 pm
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