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[Risolto] Problems printing TPU ever since MK2.5S upgrade  

Active Member
Problems printing TPU ever since MK2.5S upgrade



I can't seem to get TPU to print well anymore.  It used to print great with my 2.5 upgrade.  Ever since I upgraded to 2.5S, my TPU prints look terrible.  I've used the same G-code files for things that printed great before and now they are very poor.  Its like the layers don't adhere to each other well.   ABS and PLA print great. 

See picture attached of what my prints look like.  Lots of striation in the layers.  As I've used the same g-code that used to work, I don't feel its a settings issue in slic3r or simplify3d (both of which I've tried).  I've tried experimenting with different tensions on the feed screw without success.   I'm wondering if my hot-end is clogged.  In fact my last print didn't finish because the filament seemed to jam.  But I can't get past the fact that ABS prints great.  


Any ideas?




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Best Answer by appelm:

After many frustrating months of basically not printing TPU, getting no useful help from here or from tech support, and thinking I needed a new printer, I have finally solved this problem!   I tried a lot of different things but in the end it seems to have been a simple alignment issue of the filament and the bondtech gears.  The alignment was close enough for hard filaments but for TPU it was off just enough to cause the soft TPU to get smushed and not feed smoothly.   I again followed the assembly directions closely and in particular the comment below really helped.    With the screw loose I used a piece of hard filament to self-align the gear and then tightened the screw.  I’m so relieved and am now printing nice TPU prints again!



Attachment removed
Postato : 29/06/2019 5:52 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problems printing TPU ever since MK2.5S upgrade

Some more pictures



This is what the print looked liked after the 2.5 upgrade before 2.5

Using priline tpu
Postato : 29/06/2019 6:32 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problems printing TPU ever since MK2.5S upgrade

Playing around with it tonight I feel like it’s not feeding the filament properly.  If I grip the filament while loading it’s not feeding smoothly.  It slips.  I tried different tensions on the screw and can’t find a spot that works well.  Perhaps I need to recheck the gear alignment?

Postato : 30/06/2019 2:31 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problems printing TPU ever since MK2.5S upgrade

After many frustrating months of basically not printing TPU, getting no useful help from here or from tech support, and thinking I needed a new printer, I have finally solved this problem!   I tried a lot of different things but in the end it seems to have been a simple alignment issue of the filament and the bondtech gears.  The alignment was close enough for hard filaments but for TPU it was off just enough to cause the soft TPU to get smushed and not feed smoothly.   I again followed the assembly directions closely and in particular the comment below really helped.    With the screw loose I used a piece of hard filament to self-align the gear and then tightened the screw.  I’m so relieved and am now printing nice TPU prints again!



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Postato : 09/11/2019 2:12 pm