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[Résolu] z axis calibration fails on first move  

Active Member
z axis calibration fails on first move


I have a MK 2.5 I recently upgraded the firmware to 39.3 did standard maintenance . When I did the xyz calibration the x and y axis did fine. Moved the z axis to the stops and went to the next step with the paper spacer. The first attempt the nozzle did touch the paper and then stopped moving giving me an error message of "calibration failed check the axis and run again". In the book it said the p.i.n.d.a probe was to low so I adjusted it. Still same problem, but nozzle did not touch the paper. Installed the firmware ver 39.1 to see if this was the issue but still same error. I ran the calibration wizard and I get and ok on all three axis. I notice that the p.i.n.d.a probe is not near the dashed circle that is on the heat bed could this be a problem it does the x and y axis home ok.

Publié : 20/02/2021 6:41 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: z axis calibration fails on first move


I looked at some more post and checked my firmware version and I had loaded in the firmware for the MK25S not the MK25. I also removed some loose bed magnets that were under the printer. I then ran the calibration again and it fail on the last point. I did get these numbers of the machine Y distance L -6.5 R5.95, Measured skew 1.61 degrees, Slight -0.012 Severe -0.25, the last data point I didn't put the heading right but the numbers were X-0.50 Y-1.97. I think the frame is out of square and have tried to adjust the Z axis  frame. So far no luck

Publié : 20/02/2021 11:05 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: z axis calibration fails on first move


I went back a squared up the z axis gantry to the original 100mm using calipers. The original numbers were about .2 mm short. I would think that the P.I.N.D.A probe and software should be able to find the calibration points. Just don't know what to do now. Still comes up with the calibration failed check manual.

Publié : 21/02/2021 6:33 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: z axis calibration fails on first move

Finial Update:

I ended up lowering the P.I.N.D.A. probe and the machine did finish the xyz calibration. The only problem is that my Z comp value was -1.775 which was very large value. I was able to print out a setting gauge out of thingiverse which put my Z comp value at -.375 which was much better.  Then I got the message that my G code was written for a different machine which still allowed me to print. I do use Prusa's slicer  ver 2.3 and I did not have the MK2.5 listed on machine list. I then ran the configuration wizard and put in the right machine. The print does seem to me of better quality with the correct firmware and slicing parameters.

So I think this is were my original train of thought failed. I purchased a I3 MK2 build kit, then the S upgrade came out which was basically better Y axis bearing capture and smoother rods ( I did not purchase this upgrade). I did purchase the upgrade to the MK2.5, the removable build plate was exactly what I needed. I had damaged my original build plate printing ABS. I then just upgraded my firmware thinking that my machine was a MK2.5S because this is were my machine was now on the upgrade progression. I skip the S upgrade but did the MK2.5 upgrade I thought Prusa was labeling my machine as a MK2.5S when in fact it is a MK2.5.

Original MK2 - S --MK2.5 -- Last upgrade was labeled as an S upgrade to which was an upgraded extruder.

So to me and my thinking the finial upgrade should be labled-- MKS2.5S not a MK2.5S

Publié : 24/02/2021 4:06 pm
Active Member
RE: z axis calibration fails on first move


Did you "So to me and my thinking the finial upgrade should be labeled

"MKS2.5 not a MK2.5S", rather than "MKS2.5S not a MK2.5S"?

I did the 2 upgrade to supposedly 2.5s but was just checking if that is what you saw.  I am having a similar problem to what you described!

Publié : 04/06/2021 2:48 pm
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