Strange Sound since MK2.5S Upgrade
Hey Guys,
since the upgade from MK2S to Mk2.5S i notice a strange sound from the Extruder.
If my observations are correct, the sound is related to the extruder motor, every time it spins the sound occurs.
What can cause this sound? Maybe the idlers tension is too tight?
Thanks! 🙂
RE: Strange Sound since MK2.5S Upgrade
remove the bolt of the idler gear and the idler gear itselfe. then push out the two bearings
clean everything with e.g. isopropanol, squeeze a goog ammount grease onto everything and mount it. the gears itselve i grease allways al little, too
RE: Strange Sound since MK2.5S Upgrade
Hey Martin!
Thanks for you reply. Even if i did this before assembly a few weeks ago, i did it again now, but now it got worse 🙁
A video attached after the lubrication: IMG_4097_2
Here is a picture of the screw that regulates the pressure on the idler bracket. Accordingly to prusas manual it is tightened to be flush or right below the surface.
RE: Strange Sound since MK2.5S Upgrade
Lubed the filament with a olive oil soaked papertowel, no there is no more noise...
sometimes it's so easy.... 😋