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Random Offset in Y and X Axis at Z height 11mm  

New Member
Random Offset in Y and X Axis at Z height 11mm

Hey Guys, after our Prusa MK2.5 worked fine for many months few weeks ago some weird error occured.

At first we had a little Offset in Y (about 0,2mm in Y+) at the height of 11mm in Z.

After i cleaned the 3D Printer, setup a new Firmeware and updateded my Slicer (Win 10) the error is still there, but the Offset switched to more than 0,2mm. The rest of the print till 10mm height ist perfect.

Respondido : 28/12/2018 4:17 pm
 W P
Active Member
Re: Random Offset in Y and X Axis at Z height 11mm

I don't want to add a "me too" post but I also am having an issue with a shift at approx. 11mm height. Print works perfectly until then, print it adhered to the bed very well but for some reason I am getting a shift. I just upgrade from MK2S to 2.5 so this is only about the 6th print after the upgrade. Some were successful, 3 in a row now failed with a shift.

Respondido : 02/01/2019 10:24 pm
New Member
Re: Random Offset in Y and X Axis at Z height 11mm

I'm seeing something similar on my MK2.5. I held off upgrading the firmware for a long time but finally did it the other day.
Some prints are successful but it seems longer running ones often have catastrophic layer shifts. I can't figure out the pattern. Tempted to downgrade to and older firmware to see if it resolves the issue.

Respondido : 06/01/2019 10:20 pm