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Pinda Probe 2 Question  

Eminent Member
Pinda Probe 2 Question

So i have ben running my MK2.5 upgrade for just over a month initially once i had calibrated the live-z for PLA i was all set, i tried PET-g and ABS and the pinda 2 compensated for the heat difference so i didn't have to change the live z

Recently however i've had an issue that when i first turn the printer on and run a PLA print the printer is acting like my live-z is way to high and at the filament isn't sticking. If i cancel the print and restart it with the same g code and same live-z the filament is laid down fine if not showing a live-z that is slightly to low. Someone commented that the pinda 2 probe probably needed calibrating can someone point me in the right direction or offer some instructions how to do this to see if it makes any difference? Or offer any other ideas of what could be causing this?

Thanks in advance.

Publié : 25/06/2018 11:34 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Pinda Probe 2 Question

PINDA temp calibration:

Before you do that though let me ask, have you tried printing any PETG or ABS lately to make sure that the issue only happens with PLA?

Publié : 02/07/2018 10:24 pm
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