LCD interface failure after being replaced with a new one
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LCD interface failure after being replaced with a new one  

Eminent Member
LCD interface failure after being replaced with a new one

Yes you read that correctly..  I recently was having problems with a loose SD card slot and after some troubleshooting with support via email they were kind enough to send me  a new one... 

after installing the new LCD screen and cables .. the screen at first showed all bars then nothing... rechecked my connections

and tried again and this time I got the  "PRUSA RESEARCH " screen follow by the usual "status " screen  ...

and that's all I get .. if I turn the knob nothing happens if I press knob  it will take me to the submenu but that's it and then it goes back to the status screen.. hit the  panic button (reset)  nothing... If I pull the sd card in and out  nothing...

so now im thinking they must of sent me a bad LCD screen right? or bad cables?  what are the odds?  so I double check the cables again and made sure orientation is correct..  nope still doesn't work

So I decided to use the old ribbon cables with the new  LCD screen  to make sure it wasn't bad cables  .. nope still doesn't work

now it gets worse...  so I decided to re plug in the old lcd screen and ribbon cables just so I can confirm that in fact the new LCD screen is "BAD"

AND guess what...  YUP  it doesn't work!!  its doing the same thing!!!  WTF!!!  How can an old working LCD screen with a loose SD card slot

now not be working at all now???    @#$%!!  sorry  I just don't get it..

so I decided to try and flash the printer with firmware  to see if that will correct my problem..  and guess what .. I cant flash because it cannot

find the printer!!!  BUT I can connect to the printer VIA Ponterface  although it cannot find the SD card …. huh ????

so now what ???       I have a bad Board???

I think ill take up a new hobby





Respondido : 22/01/2020 4:57 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: LCD interface failure after being replaced with a new one

I figured it out...  when I replaced the cables I was using the orientation that was on the handbook  which showed the ribbon exiting to the left of the key....  that is not the case .. you have to make sure the pink side is  on top  regardless on how the ribbon is keyed or how prusa marked the ribbons with ink 

🤣 🤣  guess you have to pay attention 


Respondido : 01/02/2020 11:20 pm