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Layer Shift Octo Print  

Active Member
Layer Shift Octo Print

Recently completed my 2.5 upgrade and I am running 3.3 firmware.
Experiencing an issue on octo print printing however. Printing gcode from the card works without issue. Printing the same gcode file through octoprint gives me a layer shift about 1/2 through the print. Usually y axis sometimes as much as 2 mm usually just about 1/2 a mm or less.

Thinking it was my belts since I had just rebuilt everything, I went back and adjusted the tension on the axis belts per the guide, but the problem persists only on octoprint. This is running on octo 1.3.9 rc2 on a Rasberry Pi 3 fairly consistently on this model (Slicr sliced generic pla .2 layer heights) but I have also encountered it on other models as well.

I am a long time user of octoprint and never experienced this with any consistency before. Anyone else see this? Again the same gcode works off the card without issue which is what is maddening.

Napsal : 17/07/2018 1:30 pm
New Member
Re: Layer Shift Octo Print

i had the same problems with my new Prusa I3 MK3.
Every time i used Octoprint as print server i get huge layershifts (3-6mm) in the x-axis.
Prusa Firmware: 3.4.1-1356
Ocotprint Version: 1.3.9
Belt status: X = 263, Y = 280
Mode: stealth

Printing from SD cards works without a problems

Napsal : 21/11/2018 4:24 pm