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Help to calibrate extruder
Hi all
After some help / advice. I am trying to calibrate my extruder (MK2.5) via pronterface (USB). I click connect in pronterface baud rate at 115200 and it seems to connect (see response from printer below) but when i send a command to it such as M501 to read the current steps save in the eprom it says not connected (also move axis are greyed out so definitely not connecting).
I then tied to use OctoPrint to extrude a set amount of filament it just churns the bontech gears for a second at high speed then stops but doesn't extrude (Used command G1E100F90. I've not done this for over a year so am v. rusty on the procedure.
Veröffentlicht : 18/11/2018 5:26 pm