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G-code and MK2.5S  

Reputable Member
G-code and MK2.5S

I have some G-code hand written to...

  • calibrate Linear Advance
  • thorough nozzle cleaning
  • calibrate extrusion nominal (M92 E140 in my case for PLA) as well as modifier per filmament
  • calibrate live-Z per filament and type of bed plate (textures, smooth PEI, raw steel)

Since upgrading to 2.5S from S, auto-loading and speed related code seems to be acting very strangely.  Is there a more reliable source for G-code behavior as far as MK2.5S is concerned than Prusa Research provided list of supported G-code which isn't exactly informative, exhaustive nor readily updated?

Also, I'd like to ask because there seems to be some behavioral difference from G-code executed from Pronterface vs. SD card.  Is there documentation to know what G-code will act differently depending on source of data stream if any?  And is this specific to Prusa Research's implementation of Marlin?

Sorry about the noob questions, been using my printer for years but never had to dig too much into this until the upgrade.  Thanks in advance.

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Posted : 11/08/2019 9:16 pm