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Firmware Issue  

New Member
Firmware Issue

Hello all,

I completed my upgrade to 2.5, but I've come into a firmware snag.

Last year I added the PT100 sensor with the amplifier, complied the firmware, and uploaded without any issues.

However, I am running into a snag with the 2.5 firmware. When I complete the same process with the source code from:

Specifically: 3.1.3 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2.5
@PavelSindler PavelSindler released this 3 days ago · 434 commits to MK2 since this release

I complete the same process per directions, uncomment on the configuration, and upload. The firmware loads fine, but when I start the wizard the left hottend fan fails every time.

The wiring is correct and I double checked by loading the preconfigured firmware and running the wizard. Both fans pass, but when I get to the thermistor check, obviously says it fails.

I'm not sure what the issue is with the 3.1.3 firmware thats preventing me from successfully checking the left hottend, when the standard firmware appears to work fine.

Can anyone provide any guidance? Any PRUSA employees want to get me a copy of the firmware preloaded with the PT100 addition?

Thank you.

Napsal : 24/03/2018 5:58 am
Estimable Member
Re: Firmware Issue

It's not my call as I don't work with Prusa but the issue you are having is not their problem. You have a modified unit and you are attempting to upgrade the unit to a MK2.5. I'd recommend you remove whatever this foreign device is and then do your upgrade.

Once that works then you might consider contacting the vendor of the add-on device and see what they have to say.

Just trying to save you some steps.

Napsal : 24/03/2018 6:30 am
Trusted Member
Re: Firmware Issue

I'm currently still using the 3.1.3-RC1 firmware release modded for the PT100 without issues. I did have to uncomment #define DEBUG_BUILD to be able to print or use move commands over serial for some reason, but the self-test worked without it, iirc.

Does the fan spin and fail because it's not reading the fan's tachometer right?

Napsal : 24/03/2018 7:42 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Firmware Issue


I have gotten past the issues listed in my original post; however, at this point the issue is not resolved.

The issue now is when I uncomment for the PT100 with amp, compile, and upload the sensor reads 1100 degrees C; whereas,

when I load the standard firmware via .hex file or simply leave the PT100 sensor commented the temperature readout appears to be correct, i.e. the same temperature difference between the hotend and the bed prior to upgrading, but . . . the selftest still fails because it reads that there is no thermistor. It's odd because the readout on the LCD looks correct.

I attempted to run the PID calibration under the PT100 uncommented, but it doesn't work properly.

I'm at a loss because my initial impression is that the vice versa occurs when I make the necessary changes.

Does anyone have any thoughts.

On a side note, I attempted to use the initial MK2.5 release. The firmware would not even load properly in firmware.ino after making the necessary changes.

Napsal : 26/03/2018 6:22 am