Busted extruder stepper, can I use e3d pancake stepper instead?
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Busted extruder stepper, can I use e3d pancake stepper instead?  

New Member
Busted extruder stepper, can I use e3d pancake stepper instead?

While performing the upgrade from my MK2S to the 2.5, I had an issue getting the gear off the extruder motor. The set screw was so tight I managed to strip it and seem unable to remove the gear to install the new Bondtech gear included in the 2.5 kit.

So I am looking for some advice, would I be able to use an e3D slim pancake stepper (MT-1701HSM140AE) that I can find locally, or do I have to get an exact replacement?

If I use the slim pancake stepper is there any issues with clearance using the extruder assembly I already printed? Looking at the steps in the assembly guide it looks like there might be an issue with clearance for the extruder motor wiring around the part cooling fan? But I am not sure..

Or does anyone have any advice about how to remove the standard gear from the stepper shaft without damaging it? I am tempted to try and drill it out but am not sure I have a bit small enough right now.

Any advice would be helpful, as I am eager to get back up and printing again.

Opublikowany : 30/01/2019 11:09 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Busted extruder stepper, can I use e3d pancake stepper instead?

Could you dremmel the screw with a cutting disc?

A pancake motor probably wont have enough power to deive the extruder...


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 30/01/2019 11:34 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Busted extruder stepper, can I use e3d pancake stepper instead?

I hadn’t thought of using my dremel, I should try that next. I just don’t want to damage the shaft and set myself back further.

I mainly print with PLA and PETG lately so I was hoping the pancake would be powerful enough. I don’t really do much more exotic materials (have not even used flexibles for a real project yet). So I am ok if it limits my usage of some filaments. But if the pancake would cause significant problems I guess I need to find something like the stock one, on the prusa store I only see the full kit of motors.

Opublikowany : 30/01/2019 11:50 pm