Bontech Gears: Difference between Prusa Shop and Bondtech Shop?
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Bontech Gears: Difference between Prusa Shop and Bondtech Shop?  

Eminent Member
Bontech Gears: Difference between Prusa Shop and Bondtech Shop?

Hi there,

I already searched the forum and via google but could not find a good answer:

Are the drivegear sets that Prusa offer in their shop:

any different from the ones sold in Bondtech's own shop: (i.e. the 1.75mm, 5mm ID ones) ?

They appear very similar, but would both fit my MK2.5S extruder? (not simultaneously of course 🙂 )

Cheers, Klaus

Posted : 21/10/2021 7:19 pm
Active Member
RE: Bontech Gears: Difference between Prusa Shop and Bondtech Shop?

They must be the same, right? I haven't measured, but I bet the measurements match and the bondtech units will slip right into place.

Posted : 21/12/2021 8:00 pm
New Member
RE: Bontech Gears: Difference between Prusa Shop and Bondtech Shop?

Thank you for sharing the information. I was really confused between Prusa Shop and Bondtech Shop for a long time. Though they look similar they are different in their way. I recently bought MK2.5 it will be helpful for me in near future.


ikea return policy
Posted : 30/12/2021 5:54 am
Reputable Member
RE: Bontech Gears: Difference between Prusa Shop and Bondtech Shop?

I think they are the same.  Reason I think this is that if you go to Bondtech and look at the MK2.5s extruder upgrade it says to use the gears you already have from Prusa.

Posted : 01/03/2022 4:19 pm