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Any idea of why the MK3 stopped?  

Eminent Member
Any idea of why the MK3 stopped?

I had a 14hour print using the silver PLA that the printer came with. It went only 4hrs into the run when apparently stopped judging by time. Come to think of it, I don’t believe this printer has printed anything over four hours, yet. Print it performed before stopping looked great. What I found was a message to press knob to heat. I did and then the extruder moved followed by a message to remove filament followed by loading. What was this about? The filament I’m thinking was fine or did the filament sensor detect a problem and this might be the reason why it stopped printing? In any regards, I went through the unload and reload sequence and it has returned to the model and appears to be resuming and running fine. Hopefully it will finish without stopping again. I sure would like to figure out why it might have stopped as several hours were wasted and would like to avoid a similar occurrence. Anyone have a suspicion of what might have gone wrong?

Publié : 15/03/2019 4:33 pm
Re: Any idea of why the MK3 stopped?

Sounds like you might have either had a false filament runout or a power panic event.

Look under support on the printer menu; somewhere in there it will tell you the power failure and filament runout counts.

Publié : 15/03/2019 4:36 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Any idea of why the MK3 stopped?

Thank you! Your comment got me search the menu and I found there is a failure report of the last print and found it suffered a filament runout. This would explain why it had the filament removal and replace sequence. Would you have an idea of why this might have happened? I'm wondering if this might be an indication that I have too much tension with the hobbed gears or could there be another reason?

Publié : 15/03/2019 4:55 pm
Re: Any idea of why the MK3 stopped?

The Mk3 sensor is known to be iffy at times depending on the colour and glossiness of the filament you are using. Many people either disable it or print alternate extruder designs that use indirect readings of a bearing instead of the filament to help with the issue.

Or, you could go the official route and get a Mk3S upgrade, which changes the sensor itself for one that should be more reliable than the Mk3 laser sensor.

Publié : 15/03/2019 5:04 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Any idea of why the MK3 stopped?

Hmmm ... Okay. This might be a good reason to update to the MK3S extruder. It was unfortunate that the upgrade seems to have occurred almost immediately after this one was received. Ordered another one two weeks later and was surprised it was updated to the MK3S. In any regards, if it truly wasn't a filament runout issue and this happens again, I'll look at disabling the sensor. Thank you very much for your help!

Publié : 15/03/2019 5:36 pm
Re: Any idea of why the MK3 stopped?

Hmmm ... Okay. This might be a good reason to update to the MK3S extruder. It was unfortunate that the upgrade seems to have occurred almost immediately after this one was received. Ordered another one two weeks later and was surprised it was updated to the MK3S. In any regards, if it truly wasn't a filament runout issue and this happens again, I'll look at disabling the sensor. Thank you very much for your help!

You should have gotten a voucher for a free upgrade if your first one was shipped in the two weeks prior to the 3s announcement.

personally I'm running Martin_au's indirect bearing remix of the 3s parts with my mk3 and have had no issues yet.

Publié : 15/03/2019 5:38 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Any idea of why the MK3 stopped?

Yes. I'm trying to follow up on that now.

Publié : 15/03/2019 6:42 pm
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