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Thank you Team Prusa  

Reputable Member
Thank you Team Prusa

I bought my MK2S assembled from Prusa just over a year ago.
It have printed just marvelous from the start. Had very little issues with it. A major clog a couple of weeks back that i fixed by swapping out the E3D hot end completely.

So it was bit of anxiety i finally decided to make the upgrade to version 2.5.
I took my time over two days and finalized it yesterday evening a bit late so no test print at that time.
It passed the calibration procedure with a big A, that was a relief.

So finally home from work, sliced a Benchy of course which are running right now. IT LOOKS AMAZING.
Itsy bitsy under extruded maybe so some tweaking is needed. But, AMAZING.

Im so happy i did the upgrade.

One thing though, the new hotend fan is to quiet, i need to check that it actually working every now and then.


Napsal : 10/04/2018 7:03 pm
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