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Prusa MK2.5 - Overall Impressions?  

New Member
Prusa MK2.5 - Overall Impressions?

I'm currently building/upgrading my MK2S to the MK2.5.

Question - What does everyone think about the upgrade? Worthwhile? I haven't seen much feedback from the users. Curious about speed, consistency, quality, easy of use.

Are there any features found on the MK3 that you really wish you had on the MK2.5?

Napsal : 08/05/2019 9:24 am
New Member
RE: Prusa MK2.5 - Overall Impressions?

Very well worth it.  I upgraded my MK2s to the 2.5s and it is now the exact same printer as my MK3s.  I can’t recommend this upgrade enough.

As for any feature that the MK2.5s is lacking compared to the MK3s is 24v. But by no means is this a show stopper.  Furthermore, I took this opportunity to clean things up.  I put in a new hot end and new bearings. 

As my dad always says, don’t think, just do.  Well worth the price!


Napsal : 16/05/2019 3:59 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
RE: Prusa MK2.5 - Overall Impressions?

Biggest advantage is magnetic heated bed with steel sheets. If this would be the only advantage, it is still worthy. The oder things are minor.

Buy a silicon sock for hotend as well, you will save yourself troubles with temperature runaway.


Napsal : 16/05/2019 5:21 pm