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New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S  

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Jakub Dolezal
Membre Admin
New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

UPDATE: List of all parts needed to upgrade to MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S. Keep in mind some parts are delivered in the upgrade package.

Hi guys,
Joe announced the launch of the MK3S, MK2.5S and MMU2S printers. The major change is a brand new filament sensor (IR-sensor), which required a complete extruder redesign. Apart from the extruder parts, we also decided to tweak the Y-axis tensioning system. Let's see what are the changes and how to apply them to your printer.

Article from Josef about the MK3S launch including information about textured sheets:

The new "S" extruder parts are marked the following way:
C1 -> printed on our Prusa farm
R4 -> available on GitHub, these parts can be printed on your printer
Note that the next iteration will be C2/R5 and so on...

IMPORTANT: C1/R4 extruder printed parts are COMPATIBLE ONLY with the new IR-sensor. Don't print these parts for older printers with the previous generation of the filament sensor, it won't work. To use the new parts C1/R4 you need:

Single material:
MK2S to MK2.5S upgrade
-> self-printed parts
MK2S to MK3S upgrade
-> self-printed parts
MK2.5 to MK2.5S upgrade
-> self-printed parts
-> farm-printed parts
MK3 to MK3S upgrade
-> self-printed parts
-> farm-printed parts

Multi material:
-> farm-printed parts
MMU2S upgrade for MK3S
-> farm-printed parts
MMU2S upgrade for MK2.5S
-> farm-printed parts

All printers share the same IR-sensor, however, its placement differs between single and multi-material version. On the single material MK3S/MK2.5S the sensor is part of the extruder body and the filament is checked before entering the Bondtech gears. Contrary on the multi-material version the IR-sensor is part of a special cover and filament is checked after it arrives in the Bondtech gears.

We've redesigned almost every single part of the extruder and there were several reasons for it:
-> the new IR-sensor, which is triggered by a mechanical lever-arm
-> make the assembly easier to follow and more friendly
-> make any future repairs easier than before
-> create a single extruder design to rule them all

This part is the base of the extruder and includes all the most important mechanical and electronic parts. Brand new IR-sensor, entire lever mechanism including steel ball and a couple of magnets. Based on the feedback with the MK3 assembly, we have also changed the hotend mounting system. Starting with C1/R4 parts there is no need for the special hotend inserting/removal technique.

New Extruder-body for MK3S/MK2.5/MMU2S

Aerodynamics of the C1/R4 extruder is based on our previous research (applied first on B7/R3 parts). Therefore the new extruder has a better airflow and cooling compared to the first iteration of the Original Prusa i3 MK3.

Also note, that due to the different extruder-body geometry the hotend tube must be shorter 44.2 mm, compared to the MK3/MK2.5 (50 mm).

Adapter-printer vs Adapter-printer-MMU2S
This new part is available in two versions. Adapter-printer is dedicated to single-material printers MK3S and MK2.5S, the part is hollow and ready to accommodate a steel ball, which will move as soon as the filament is inserted. The second version called Adapter-printer-MMU2S is compatible only with our multi-material upgrade and lacks the hole for the ball. The reason behind this is to avoid buckling/bending of the filament in this hole, as the MMU2S doesn't use the steel ball at all (the sensor is in a different position).

Black Adapter-printer for a single material variant (hole for the ball)
OrangeAdapter-printer for a multi material variant (no hole for the ball)

To easily distinguish between them, we will ship the Adapter-printer in black and Adapter-printer-MMU2S in orange colour.

A small, but very important part, which is movable and after the filament is inserted, interferes the IR-sensor beam, thus causing the sensor to "realise" two different states (filament in VS no filament in). Make sure the magnets in the lever and in the body, are repelling each other. Otherwise, the sensor won't work. FS-lever is needed only for the single material version.

New part assembled directly on the extruder motor. Its design includes the second half of the hotend retaining mechanism, therefore as soon as this part is removed, the hotend can be easily removed.

This part was already introduced in the previous iteration. There are only small improvements in the MK3S/MK2.5S version.

At first sight, this part looks almost the same as the previous generation, but there are some changes. This x-carriage is universal for all printers MK3S/MK2.5S and MMU2S. Just for the MK2.5S variant, you need to add a small part called endstop-block to trigger mechanical endstop on the X-axis.

Extruder-idler vs Extruder-idler-MMU2S
Single and multi-material differ because of the different position of the filament sensor. The multi-material version has an arm to trigger the IR-sensor hidden in the special filament cover.

Both parts share a redesigned tensioning system, which now needs only one screw with a spring instead of two. Make sure the screw position is set according to the assembly manual.

Print-fan support
This part is responsible for holding the print fan at an inclined position since B7/R3 design and in the current revision its responsibility is the same.

Previously called "fan-nozzle", this part spreads cold air around the printed object. We are introducing a new design for the MK3S/MK2.5S printers and again pushing the cooling efficiency forward. Note that this part can't be printed from PETG, but at least from ABS or Polycarbonate as it has to sustain high temps.

FS-cover vs FS-cover-MMU2S
Similarly to the idlers, also the covers have different design because of the IR-sensor position. Single-material version is a flat one-piece solution and this time without the short PTFE tube. Multi material version is a set of three plastic parts and also without any PTFE tube.

Single vs multi material solution

Completely reworked to enable universal fit to all "S" variants. There is also direct access to the belt without the need to disassemble the rear part of the extruder. Slight change is also in the mounting system, where only four screws are needed instead of five.

Apart from the extruder redesign, there are also new parts for the Y-axis. In case your printer is already assembled and running without any issues with regards to Y-axis (e.g. shifted layers), there is NO NEED to upgrade at all. These parts are for the new builds to make the assembly easier as well as setting the proper tension in the Y-axis belt.

Below is a list of parts need for the upgrade, choose your current printer and then the one you are upgrading to. Note that some parts are included in the upgrade package as it is difficult to print them yourself.

All the packages are available for download at:

MK3 to MK3S upgrade
Cable-holder (use the one from MK3)
Fan-shroud (printed from ABS and included)

MK2.5 to MK2.5S upgrade
Cable-holder (use the one from MK2.5)
Endstop-block (MK2.5S specific part)
Fan-shroud (printed from ABS and included)

// Note for MMU2S upgrades available for purchase, all the parts are included, only exception is MMU2 to MMU2S upgrade//
Adapter-printer-mmu2s (different from MK3S)
Cable-holder (use from MK3 or MK2.5)
Extruder-idler-mmu2s (different from MK3S)
IR-sensor-holder-mmu2s (different from MK3S)
IR-sensor-cover-mmu2s (different from MK3S)
Endstop-block (use only for MK2.5S)
Fan-shroud (printed from ABS and included)
FS-cover-mmu2s (printed and included)
s-buffer-spacer (print 4x)
s-buffer-hook-uni (print 2x)
s-buffer-spacer-hook (only for MK3S, no longer used)

MK2/S to MK2.5S upgrade
Fan-shroud (printed from ABS and included)

MK2/S to MK3S upgrade
Y-rod-holder (print 4x)
Z-screw-cover (print 2x)
Fan-shroud (printed from ABS and included)

MK3/MK2.5 single material to MK3S/MK2.5S MMU2S**
// Note all the parts are included (printed) in the upgrade package
MMU2-frame-holder (print 2x)
Adapter-printer-mmu2s (different from MK3S)
Cable-holder (for MK3S use from MK3)
Cable-holder (for MK2.5S use from MK2.5)
Extruder-idler-mmu2s (different from MK3S)
IR-sensor-holder-mmu2s (different from MK3S)
IR-sensor-cover-mmu2s (different from MK3S)
Endstop-block (use only for MK2.5S)
s-buffer-spacer (print 4x)
s-buffer-hook-uni (print 2x)
s-buffer-spacer-hook (only for MK3S, no longer used)

Previous extruder version B7/R3 had to be always black. This new version isn't that strict on the colour choice, however, we recommend using black again to avoid any issues. The FS-lever part should be definitely dark (black) and the other parts surrounding the IR-Sensor as well. In case you use any lighter colour for the FS-lever it might not trigger the sensor.

As usual, we bring you detailed step by step assembly manuals. So far in English, but the translation team is currently working hard on the localised versions.

Questions? Bring it on! 😎

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Publié : 11/02/2019 4:28 pm
Honorable Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

C1/R4 printed parts are COMPATIBLE ONLY with the new IR-sensor

The new Y axis parts are labeled R4, does that mean that it's only compatible with the IR-sensor? Not sure how they're related as they're on 2 completely different parts of the printer. Can I go ahead and print the Y axis parts if I'm not planning on updating to the new extruder anytime soon?

Publié : 20/02/2019 3:21 pm
Estimable Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Y-AXIS PARTS are missing from the MK3 to MK3S files as well as MMU2S buffer parts

The Latest Firmware can be found here
Open Firmware Issues

Publié : 20/02/2019 8:18 pm
Estimable Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

we need the R4 parts using the original sensor

The Latest Firmware can be found here
Open Firmware Issues

Publié : 20/02/2019 9:51 pm
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

we need the R4 parts using the original sensor

I believe this is what you are looking for. (Also has the .4mm tolerance adjustment)

Mad props to Martin for making this, I'm printing it now and waiting for my bearings to arrive.

Publié : 20/02/2019 9:58 pm
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

At first sight, this part looks almost the same as the previous generation, but there are some changes. This x-carriage is universal for all printers MK3S/MK2.5S and MMU2S. Just for the MK2.5S variant, you need to add a small part called endstop-block to trigger mechanical endstop on the X-axis.

So, uh where is this endstop-block in the files?
I can't find the file in the mk3 to mk3s upgrade STL file package found at
Please do let me know if i've simply missed it, as i would like to print these sooner rather than later.
Also, if that isn't an option, should I be able to re-use my existing x-carriage mount?

Publié : 20/02/2019 10:00 pm
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Please clarify what ...

"Also note, that due to the different extruder-body geometry the hotend tube must be shorter (45 mm), compared to the MK3/MK2.5 (50 mm)."

... actually means please?

is this the PTFE tube in the top of the hotend above the heatbreak / cavity for hotend in extruder body / hotend (metal) itself/ etc....?

Thank you.



Publié : 21/02/2019 8:28 am
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

I'm not a supporter of any kind, but I've already spent a ton of time looking through all the stuff around MK3S and MMU2S. Let me try to answer some questions, but don't rely 100% on them! Also I'm mainly referring to MK3 owners, I don't have experience with the MK2.5 printer.

First of all, there's different sets of printable parts for those upgrades.
On the Prusa i3 printable parts page, you might think that "Original Prusa i3 MK3 to MK3S upgrade" on the right column might be the one we're looking for, but it doesn't really include everything we want. So I recommend getting the complete "Original Prusa i3 MK3S" pack on the left column and picking out the parts we want.
Or even better: download the Original Prusa i3 MK3S github project (find the parts at Printed-Parts -> STL) because it contains the most up-to-date files. The "plug-aligner", for example, received a small change two days ago and the new version can only be found on the github project.

Second, I don't know which plastic parts exactly the MK3 to MK3S upgrade is being shipped with.
There's a list of contents on the bottom of the Prusa shop page for the upgrade, but even after choosing "Factory-printed parts" on the right, it doesn't show anything else but the fan shroud.

That's why I made my own list of printed parts including (hopefully) helpful info. You can comment on the sheet if I got anything wrong or forgot anything.

MK3S / MMU2S part list + explanations

Third, let me try to answer some of your stuff. Again, remember that I'm not official support!

The new Y axis parts are labeled R4, does that mean that it's only compatible with the IR-sensor? Not sure how they're related as they're on 2 completely different parts of the printer. Can I go ahead and print the Y axis parts if I'm not planning on updating to the new extruder anytime soon?

R4, C1 and all those letter-number-combinations are just version numbers. Because the Y-axis parts don't have anything to do with the new extruder design and the necessary holes have always been in the Y-carriage, you should be good with printing and using them. As long as you have the required nuts and screws of course. (:

Y-AXIS PARTS are missing from the MK3 to MK3S files as well as MMU2S buffer parts

I talked about this issue above. Those parts aren't really required for the upgrade. If you still want them, either download the MK3S parts or the github project - those include the Y-axis parts. You can find the links above.
The MMU2S buffer parts haven't been published yet I guess. I also can't find them anywhere.

So, uh where is this endstop-block in the files?
I can't find the file in the mk3 to mk3s upgrade STL file package found at
Please do let me know if i've simply missed it, as i would like to print these sooner rather than later.
Also, if that isn't an option, should I be able to re-use my existing x-carriage mount?

The original post says that the part you're looking for is just required for upgrading the MK2.5, which explains why it's not part of the MK3 to MK3S pack. Strangely, I still can't seem to find this "endstop-block" anywhere else as there's no printable-parts-pack for the MK2.5S yet. It seems like they simply forgot about that. I'm sure it will come soon though.

Please clarify what ...

"Also note, that due to the different extruder-body geometry the hotend tube must be shorter (45 mm), compared to the MK3/MK2.5 (50 mm)."

... actually means please?

is this the PTFE tube in the top of the hotend above the heatbreak / cavity for hotend in extruder body / hotend (metal) itself/ etc....?

Thank you.


Because the current PTFE tube that sticks out at the top of the heatbreak is 50mm long, I'm pretty sure they are talking about this one.

If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! I'm trying to answer as soon as possible! (:

Publié : 21/02/2019 2:47 pm
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S


Thank you, that makes sense - I can put my hacksaw away lol.




Publié : 21/02/2019 4:25 pm
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Is it still possible to make single material prints when the extruder has the MMU filament sensor configuration and the MMU2 isn't connected?
Or do I have to put the filament through the MMU2 even if I print with only one filament?

Publié : 21/02/2019 11:31 pm
Honorable Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

The new Y axis parts are labeled R4, does that mean that it's only compatible with the IR-sensor? Not sure how they're related as they're on 2 completely different parts of the printer. Can I go ahead and print the Y axis parts if I'm not planning on updating to the new extruder anytime soon?

R4, C1 and all those letter-number-combinations are just version numbers. Because the Y-axis parts don't have anything to do with the new extruder design and the necessary holes have always been in the Y-carriage, you should be good with printing and using them. As long as you have the required nuts and screws of course. (:

You're correct that they are version numbers but the Y axis parts are labeled R4. I was truly asking the question while knowing the answer. In my mind I was pointing out the error in the post without making it seem that way haha.

Publié : 22/02/2019 12:29 am
Jakub Dolezal
Membre Admin
Topic starter answered:
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

C1/R4 printed parts are COMPATIBLE ONLY with the new IR-sensor

The new Y axis parts are labeled R4, does that mean that it's only compatible with the IR-sensor? Not sure how they're related as they're on 2 completely different parts of the printer. Can I go ahead and print the Y axis parts if I'm not planning on updating to the new extruder anytime soon?

Hi dryja,
if your printer is already assembled there is no need to update the Y-axis parts. I will rephrase the sentence regarding the sensor compatibility.

Y-AXIS PARTS are missing from the MK3 to MK3S files as well as MMU2S buffer parts

Hi MK3BetaTester,
Nope, they aren't. The upgrade is about single material extruder, all parts are there. There is no need to print Y-axis parts and for the MMU2S will be a separate bundle.

we need the R4 parts using the original sensor

I can't promise this. If your printer is running now without any issues, there is no need just to change the plastic parts.

So, uh where is this endstop-block in the files?
I can't find the file in the mk3 to mk3s upgrade STL file package found at
Please do let me know if i've simply missed it, as i would like to print these sooner rather than later.
Also, if that isn't an option, should I be able to re-use my existing x-carriage mount?

Hi Drake,
MK2.5S is still undergoing final tweaks, please wait with the print. The final files will be added soon.

Please clarify what ...

"Also note, that due to the different extruder-body geometry the hotend tube must be shorter (45 mm), compared to the MK3/MK2.5 (50 mm)."

... actually means please?
is this the PTFE tube in the top of the hotend above the heatbreak / cavity for hotend in extruder body / hotend (metal) itself/ etc....?
Thank you.

I'm talking about the PTFE tube, which is in the hotend. We have moved the Bondtech gears closer to the hotend (shortening the distance), therefore the PTFE tube has to be shorter.

On the Prusa i3 printable parts page, you might think that "Original Prusa i3 MK3 to MK3S upgrade" on the right column might be the one we're looking for, but it doesn't really include everything we want.

What exactly do you think is missing from the upgrade bundle?

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Publié : 22/02/2019 3:40 pm
Jakub Dolezal
Membre Admin
Topic starter answered:
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Is it still possible to make single material prints when the extruder has the MMU filament sensor configuration and the MMU2 isn't connected?
Or do I have to put the filament through the MMU2 even if I print with only one filament?

Hi Klab,
I would recommend using the single material mode on the MMU2S. The different sensor position might be an issue, while printing with the MMU2S extruder. It can happen that you run out of the filament and you won't be able to unload the remaining part from the hotend, as it will be already under the Bondtech gears. On the MMU2S this is checked way ahead using the F.I.N.D.A. sensor.

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Publié : 22/02/2019 3:44 pm
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

On the Prusa i3 printable parts page, you might think that "Original Prusa i3 MK3 to MK3S upgrade" on the right column might be the one we're looking for, but it doesn't really include everything we want.

What exactly do you think is missing from the upgrade bundle?

Let me sort all the MK3S parts into 4 groups:

Group 1 contains all R3 or lower parts which haven't been changed, but are necessary for MK3S (Einsy-base, LCD-cover, x-end parts, ...).
Group 2 contains all R4 parts which have been updated from a previous version (extruder-idler, fan-shroud, x-carriage, ...).
Group 3 contains all new R4 parts which haven't existed before (adapter-printer, extruder-motor-plate, ...).
Group 4 contains all parts of the MK3S, which are not necessarily needed (plug-aligner, y-belt parts, ...).

Now, the MK3 to MK3S upgrade bundle "only" contains groups 2 and 3, and also only non-MMU2 parts (which isn't stated anywhere by the way - I printed all of those because I wasn't aware that MMU2 users need different parts).

But there are people (like me) who either want to print the stuff that's not needed as well, or who don't have every MK3 update since it was released. I would at least recommend to make two folders - "required" and "optional" - within the upgrade bundle and put the parts from group 4 into the latter. (:

Publié : 22/02/2019 5:23 pm
Jakub Dolezal
Membre Admin
Topic starter answered:
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Hi Scan,
if your MK3 is running perfectly fine and you decide to upgrade to the MK3S, there is no need upgrade anything else than the extruder. All the other printed parts are working fine (e.g. Y-axis, ...) and changing them to a newer iteration won't bring any significant improvement. By reassembling them you are just increasing risk of damaging them. There is a golden to rule to avoid "fixing" things that aren't broken.

Also please distinguish between MK3S (single material) and MK3S MMU2S (multi material). For the single material version it doesn't make sense to print the MMU2S specific extruder parts and that is why they aren't included in the G-code/STL bundle for MK3 to MK3S. As soon as our devs tweak the last details we will release the MK3 to MK3S MMU2S and MK3S to MK3S MMU2S assembly guides, so you know exactly, what you need.

I'm sorry, if this is confusing, but our goal was to give you exactly what is needed for each type of a printer and nothing else. If you want to upgrade all the parts that have changed, regardless on whether it will change the performance of your printer, then please use the big MK3S STL bundle on our site, which contains all the parts. However, I want to stress out I don't recommend changing things just for a sake of a change.

Anyway I understand, you want to have the latest design, so I case you need help, please let me know 😉

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Publié : 23/02/2019 12:26 pm
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Hi Jakub!

First, thanks for your replies, posts and continued support! (Also props for your awesome manuals!)

I'm aware of the golden rule you're talking about. There's two reasons though why I would still choose to "fix" things that aren't broken.

The first one is about something that probably a lot of us have: the unbounded joy of assembling, disassembling and tinkering with all sorts of stuff with the goal of achieving the best possible result. Of course it's often a bad idea to disassemble something that works fine, and you have to take responsibility if something goes wrong, but the possibility of improving it and the experience you gain out of it is just worth it in my opinion!

The second and probably more reasonable thing is that my MK3 + MMU2 aren't running perfectly fine. I've got minor issues all over the place (bad first layer, issues with MMU2 spool holders / space management, printer got pretty loud over the months, ...) and I believe I can (only) fix a lot of those by completely taking apart the printer and building it up from scratch, cleaning and oiling parts and including the S upgrades. Also, I bet that very few of us DIY 3D-printer people have no problems with their printer(s) at all. There's always something that can be improved and many of us are willing to take risks to do so.

Of course those points can't be said for everyone. There's still people who just order a printer to casually use it and you guys at Prusa Research have to accomodate these people as well. So I understand your choices in this regard.
On the other hand, I, as a passionate tinkerer, haven't noticed that the MK3 to MK3S upgrade is just suitable for non-MMU2 users until reading a hand of topics here in the forums. A short explanation that more upgrade manuals and STL bundles (like MK3 to MK3S MMU2S) are yet to come would've been appropriate - a link to the according forum topic in Josef's blog update for example. (:

Publié : 23/02/2019 4:05 pm
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

When are the openScad or STEP file going to be aviable. I need to make adjustments so the extruder works with IGUS ALUM bearings which are 16mm not 15mm. Thanks

Publié : 24/02/2019 1:18 am
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

When are the openScad or STEP file going to be aviable. I need to make adjustments so the extruder works with IGUS ALUM bearings which are 16mm not 15mm. Thanks

STEP and SCAD files can already be found in the MK3S github project.

Publié : 24/02/2019 2:40 am
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

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Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:40 am

mariusz.s2 wrote: ↑
Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:18 am
When are the openScad or STEP file going to be aviable. I need to make adjustments so the extruder works with IGUS ALUM bearings which are 16mm not 15mm. Thanks

STEP and SCAD files can already be found in the MK3S github project.

I see the step files , but I don't see openScad for the new files. Also the directories are not cloneable. Trying to inport the STEP files into Fusion 360 gives errors. For example importing adapter-printer-mmu2s.stp gives the following error
adapter-printer-mmu2s.stp adapter-printer-mmu2s.f3d Error Error: [adapter-printer-mmu2s.stp]: Content of the file is corrupted or invalid

Publié : 24/02/2019 3:27 am
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

I see the step files , but I don't see openScad for the new files. Also the directories are not cloneable. Trying to inport the STEP files into Fusion 360 gives errors. For example importing adapter-printer-mmu2s.stp gives the following error
adapter-printer-mmu2s.stp adapter-printer-mmu2s.f3d Error Error: [adapter-printer-mmu2s.stp]: Content of the file is corrupted or invalid

You'll have to download the whole MK3S project. As soon as you click my link you can download it by clicking the green "Clone or download" button and then "Download ZIP".
Opening any STEP files from the project using File -> Open in Fusion360 works perfectly fine for me.

Let me know if you get it to work or not. (:

Publié : 24/02/2019 12:29 pm
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