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New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S  

Stránka 2 / 5
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

You'll have to download the whole MK3S project. As soon as you click my link you can download it by clicking the green "Clone or download" button and then "Download ZIP".
Opening any STEP files from the project using File -> Open in Fusion360 works perfectly fine for me.

Let me know if you get it to work or not. (:

Very interesting when I first cloned the project, the STEP directory was missing. Now it's there, but not all models have a step file. Also downloading directly the steps file from firefox seems to corrupt them.

Ok, this was the first time I imported STEP file into Fusion, the first thing I notice there are no sketches only bodies. Are sketches not preserved? What tool was the original design done in?

Napsal : 24/02/2019 5:35 pm
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Very interesting when I first cloned the project, the STEP directory was missing. Now it's there, but not all models have a step file. Also downloading directly the steps file from firefox seems to corrupt them.

Huh, interesting. Good to know in case that happens to me.

Ok, this was the first time I imported STEP file into Fusion, the first thing I notice there are no sketches only bodies. Are sketches not preserved? What tool was the original design done in?

I don't have a lot of experience with the STEP format. I usually modify 3D models with "real" modeling programs like Maya. If you're having problems making the changes you need for your bearings, I can also offer you to do them for you, as long as it's not a ton of work. Send me a PM if you're interested. (:

Napsal : 24/02/2019 7:06 pm
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

I don't have a lot of experience with the STEP format. I usually modify 3D models with "real" modeling programs like Maya. If you're having problems making the changes you need for your bearings, I can also offer you to do them for you, as long as it's not a ton of work. Send me a PM if you're interested. (:

Thanks for the offer, but I already modified using open-scad. It easy enough at least for x-carriage.scad which uses bearing.scad, but x-carriage-back.scad for some reason does not use the bearing.scad so it needs a little more attention.

But I did run into another issue with Y-AXIS PARTS being too tall and rubbing against the bottom belt run. The original part is 23.45mm where the new part is 26.41 mm. The other thing I notice that the screws retaining the belt might be a weak point. Without too much force they already torque. Also, my stock belt on my MK3 is the older gen and a little bit too short. I wonder if anyone else ran into these issues. I wonder if the y-motor-holder and y-belt-idler where changed.

Napsal : 26/02/2019 4:35 am
New Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

When are the openScad or STEP file going to be aviable. I need to make adjustments so the extruder works with IGUS ALUM bearings which are 16mm not 15mm. Thanks

@mariusz.s2 can you share a link of the STLs when you update the files please? (I also have IGUS bearings).

Napsal : 27/02/2019 1:07 pm
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

@mariusz.s2 can you share a link of the STLs when you update the files, please? (I also have IGUS bearings).
Sure NP. I will post everything on Thingiverse when I finish the x-axis also.
here is my older post for the MK3

Now to answer my own question:
The other thing I notice that the screws retaining the belt might be a weak point. Without too much force they already torque. Also, my stock belt on my MK3 is the older gen and a little bit too short. I wonder if anyone else ran into these issues. I wonder if the y-motor-holder and y-belt-idler were changed.

So you need to use updated y-belt-idler.stl and y-motor-holder.stl.
1) A lot more beefier the original
2)new y-motor-holder.stl lowers the motor and it moves it forward (2 - 3 mm)
3) new y-belt-idler.stl moves the pully to the rear more (3 mm)

Napsal : 28/02/2019 10:13 pm
Trusted Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

@mariusz.s2 can you share a link of the STLs when you update the files, please? (I also have IGUS bearings).
Sure NP. I will post everything on Thingiverse when I finish the x-axis also.
here is my older post for the MK3

Now to answer my own question:
The other thing I notice that the screws retaining the belt might be a weak point. Without too much force they already torque. Also, my stock belt on my MK3 is the older gen and a little bit too short. I wonder if anyone else ran into these issues. I wonder if the y-motor-holder and y-belt-idler were changed.

So you need to use updated y-belt-idler.stl and y-motor-holder.stl.
1) A lot more beefier the original
2)new y-motor-holder.stl lowers the motor and it moves it forward (2 - 3 mm)
3) new y-belt-idler.stl moves the pully to the rear more (3 mm)

Have you printed out the new Y axis parts and tested them? I was wondering if they cut down vibrations from the Y axis motor any.

Napsal : 01/03/2019 12:14 am
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

,Have you printed out the new Y axis parts and tested them? I was wondering if they cut down vibrations from the Y axis motor any.

Yes, I have printed out the new Y-axis parts and I'm using one of my MK3 units. As far as vibrations, I'm not sure if original parts actual cause any, it was just harder to get a belt tension within the recommended range. You can now dial in your tension and check your values in the firmware (Support->main->Belt Status). In my option, both y-belt-tensioner.stl and y-belt-holder.stl should be a little more reinforced in the area where the screw holds the belt. I noticed that the belt tends to torque the screw some under belt tension, and a very thin piece of plastic holding the screws in place (I like the 3d print belt patter over the screws). Also, I would make y-belt-tensioner slide into y-belt-holder to help align the 2 pieces (30 mm screw needs some help =P).

In my experience with vibration on the y-axis where caused by:
1) u-bots holding the bearings getting loose (or being overtightened and binding the bearing)
2) heated bed getting loose
3) not lubricating the bearings.
I would recommend replacing the u-bolts with a 3d-printed bearing holder.

Napsal : 01/03/2019 5:59 am
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

I have the MMU2 and plan to print the upgrade parts myself (since I haven't received the voucher yet). For the MMU specific FS cover (fs-cover-mmu2s.stl), where can I source the threaded insert for the QSM-M5 fitting? Is this a heat-set insert or just pushed into the hole? (I might just try to reuse the one from the original MMU2 upgrade, but I'd like to know more about the part first).

Napsal : 01/03/2019 3:47 pm
Jonathan Kayne
Trusted Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Forgot to post this, but I converted the OpenSCAD files to STEP (the ones that weren't already in STEP form and made an Assembly for those who are interested.

I will add the MMU2S version in the near future!

Jonathan Kayne
Virginia Tech Class of 2021 - Electrical Engineering
Thingiverse Profile: "I am always thinking about making. My future begins when I wake up and see the light." - Miles Davis

Napsal : 01/03/2019 7:38 pm
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

I have the MMU2 and plan to print the upgrade parts myself (since I haven't received the voucher yet). For the MMU specific FS cover (fs-cover-mmu2s.stl), where can I source the threaded insert for the QSM-M5 fitting? Is this a heat-set insert or just pushed into the hole? (I might just try to reuse the one from the original MMU2 upgrade, but I'd like to know more about the part first).

I hope heat-set inserts parts will be provided by the factory even if you choose to print it yourself.

Napsal : 02/03/2019 7:00 am
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

I don't have a lot of experience with the STEP format. I usually modify 3D models with "real" modeling programs like Maya. If you're having problems making the changes you need for your bearings, I can also offer you to do them for you, as long as it's not a ton of work. Send me a PM if you're interested. (:

Thanks for the offer, but I already modified using open-scad. It easy enough at least for x-carriage.scad which uses bearing.scad, but x-carriage-back.scad for some reason does not use the bearing.scad so it needs a little more attention.

But I did run into another issue with Y-AXIS PARTS being too tall and rubbing against the bottom belt run. The original part is 23.45mm where the new part is 26.41 mm. The other thing I notice that the screws retaining the belt might be a weak point. Without too much force they already torque. Also, my stock belt on my MK3 is the older gen and a little bit too short. I wonder if anyone else ran into these issues. I wonder if the y-motor-holder and y-belt-idler where changed.

What is that print surface?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 02/03/2019 7:26 am
New Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Why is the FS-Lever in the download of GCODE files different than the FS-Lever in the STL Zip? The one in the GCODE zip has a much longer hole in it.

Napsal : 02/03/2019 10:22 pm
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Looked today at the 2.5-> 2.5S printed parts

One hole in the R4 x-carriage looks odd, is this a modelling error or intentional?

Napsal : 02/03/2019 10:28 pm
Prominent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Looked today at the 2.5-> 2.5S printed parts

One hole in the R4 x-carriage looks odd, is this a modelling error or intentional?



This looks correct to me. The hole is a tapered hexagon with a slight stop on the first layer. I believe this is where the 3mm filament support pushes in hence the strange format of the hole.

Napsal : 03/03/2019 2:33 am
Prominent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

Why is the FS-Lever in the download of GCODE files different than the FS-Lever in the STL Zip? The one in the GCODE zip has a much longer hole in it.

The gcode is only showing one layer whereas the stl is a full view. This part has a larger rectangular opening for most of its depth but the last few layers are different to produce stops that prevent the magnet from going right through the part. Slice the stl ad step though the layers and you will see the layers change.

Napsal : 03/03/2019 2:36 am
Eminent Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

I have the MMU2 and plan to print the upgrade parts myself (since I haven't received the voucher yet). For the MMU specific FS cover (fs-cover-mmu2s.stl), where can I source the threaded insert for the QSM-M5 fitting? Is this a heat-set insert or just pushed into the hole? (I might just try to reuse the one from the original MMU2 upgrade, but I'd like to know more about the part first).

I hope heat-set inserts parts will be provided by the factory even if you choose to print it yourself.

You can cut the brass fitting out of your existing part and press it into your new part. A small vise works fine.

Napsal : 04/03/2019 4:30 am
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

The Y-Belt tensionar looks awesome! too bad it doesn't hit the endstop on the mk2s/2.5.

Is there a remix that does?

Napsal : 04/03/2019 9:24 am
Trusted Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

The Y-Belt tensionar looks awesome! too bad it doesn't hit the endstop on the mk2s/2.5.

Is there a remix that does?

Is there a reason you would need it to? I thought the thinking from Prusa was that if you have a working, tensioned Y belt you dont need to switch to the new design.

Napsal : 06/03/2019 10:21 pm
New Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

The Y-Belt tensionar looks awesome! too bad it doesn't hit the endstop on the mk2s/2.5.

Is there a remix that does?

I remixed myself, works fine 😎

Napsal : 06/03/2019 11:32 pm
Active Member
Re: New printed parts C1/R4 - MK3S/MK2.5S/MMU2S

The Y-Belt tensionar looks awesome! too bad it doesn't hit the endstop on the mk2s/2.5.

Is there a remix that does?

Is there a reason you would need it to? I thought the thinking from Prusa was that if you have a working, tensioned Y belt you dont need to switch to the new design.

Until I took it apart and tried to assamble it, I would have agreed with you.

As far as serviceability goes, I prefer a variable tension Y assembly.

Napsal : 07/03/2019 9:30 pm
Stránka 2 / 5