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MK3 X-axis not reaching home position properly  

New Member
MK3 X-axis not reaching home position properly

I have been printing almost non-stop all day with the MK3 for the past week. It was working fine until today it crashed in the middle of the same print I have been printing all week. Now, anytime I run any of the calibrations or "go to home" the x-axis doesn't go to the correct spot. It falls pretty close to the middle of the build plate. When the printer is off, the motor can be pushed without extra resistance either direction. Any thoughts on how to fix this?

Things I have done: all the recalibrations, updated firware, adjusted y axis when it caught the paper during calibration.

Napsal : 17/04/2020 5:01 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3 X-axis not reaching home position properly

Can you verify that both the grub screws on the x-axis motor pulley are tight?


Napsal : 17/04/2020 6:54 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3 X-axis not reaching home position properly


Yes, all screws on the x-axis pulley are tight.

Napsal : 20/04/2020 1:12 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3 X-axis not reaching home position properly

If you start with the x-axis all the way to the left end and then use the move axis menu selection, can you move the x-axis back and forth across the print area without issue? If not, I’d suspect a [possibly intermittent] motor cable issue. Otherwise there’s Prusa’s chat dialog on the Prusa store home page (login and it should appear in the lower right corner  of the page after a few seconds). These days it may take a bit longer than normal for a customer service rep to come online.


Napsal : 20/04/2020 5:24 pm