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A note for upgrade from 2S to 2.5S  

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A note for upgrade from 2S to 2.5S

I ran into a problem and wanted to put it here in case anyone else has the same trouble. I just upgraded from the 2S to the 2.5S. I followed all the instructions to the letter. I was going to go through the calibration wizard, so I tried to load some filament manually for the print test I knew was coming. The extruder motor would not turn, so no filament was able to be loaded. I double and triple checked all the connections, pinch points, etc... still no motor movement. I plugged the "Z" motor into the "X" slot to test the board. It would move, so the board was getting and sending the signal to the motor. I plugged the "Z" motor back in and tried again, to no avail. So I figured that the motor must have gone bad or I pulled a wire when I disassembled the extruder assembly. I order a new extruder motor from Prusa. It arrived today. I put everything back together as instructed. Motor still would not load the filament. Now I'm really flustered, but I decide to go ahead with the calibration and alignment wizard. Everything worked great and the last thing the wizard did was ask if filament was loaded. I answered no and it preheated for the load. When prompted I went ahead with the loading and to my amazement, it loaded. It seems that the new firmware will not allow the "Z" motor to run until the calibration wizard has been ran. So now I have an extra stepper motor, and have went 2 weeks without my printer. This might be one of those items that needs to be mentioned in the upgrade instructions somewhere??? Back to printing again (YAY) and my wife is once more a 3D widow. Great printing everyone, and I hope this will save someone some heartburn. 

Doug Stacy

Respondido : 30/05/2019 11:46 pm