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Y-axis end stop not being triggered  

New Member
Y-axis end stop not being triggered

<t>I have the Mark 2.5 upgrade kit finished and all hardware checked in accordance with the instructions. During the self test in the wizard, the Y-axis travels to the end stop, does the 3 repetitions, and when it goes to hit the end stop again it stops just short of it, about less than 10mm away.<br/>
The message I get from the printer states what I already see: "Y-Axis End stop not hit"<br/>
I need to check the belt for position, but in troubleshooting, I reflashed the firmware with the last version for the Mark 2S that I had and tried the self test on that, and it worked just fine. Y-Axis traveled and checked out. (I stopped it soon after because of hardware differences it would soon detect)<br/>
This is signaling to me that it is not necessarily a hardware issue like the manual and the built-in error codes are telling us, but rather a distinct firmware issue.</t>

Napsal : 28/09/2018 9:37 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Y-axis end stop not being triggered

Never mind. I didnt have the correct firmware installed. I was using firmware 3.11 instead of 3.4, which had solved the issue I was having.

Napsal : 29/09/2018 7:47 am